David Dobson

Vine or Instagram,Which is The Better Choice

Mar 5th 2016, 10:20 pm
Posted by ddobson

Do you use Vine or Instagram to share videos?  It depends on the features you want and what you want use them for.
Length and Features
Browsing, Exploring and Searching videos
Home stream and Interaction
Vine or Instagram for video
If your stuck on choosing which one to use, try thinking about the audience you are trying to reach. If you have a lot of followers on Instagram, you may want to stick to using videos on Instagram for better reach.
If you are very active on Twitter and get more interaction there, using Vine might be the way to go since Vine videos are embedded into tweets when you post them. It's up to you.


vine or instagram(2), which is the better choice(1), vine or instagram(2), depends on which works better in your need(1)

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