David Dobson

Home Based Business and Family Time

Feb 21st 2016, 7:15 pm
Posted by ddobson

One of the reasons we got into home based business is to have family time. Why is it sometimes we have less. Lets take a look at it and see what we can do about it.

Having more family time is one of the major attractions for a home based business. Time has to be carefully managed and guarded. If you are still holding a regular job carrying 40 hours per week it can be tough. You need to communicate with your family that there needs to be short term pain for a long term gain.

You may be limited to the mount of hours available to you, but some suggestions are.  If you have children at home and it becomes a disarray as soon as you get home, a possible strategy is stay at work a extra hour later. You can return a lot of phone calls in an hour most likely uninterrupted. A home based business can have a remote office.

Another strategy is to take mass transit to work, if you normal drive. It could allow a extra 30-60 min. per day to organize contacts, make phone calls, or listen to training materials on mp3 player.

Spend time with your kids when they come from school. If you work from home full time, take a break  mid afternoon to see how their school day was and have a snack with them. Then you can head back to the home office till dinner time.

You may also need less sleep than the rest of the family, so you can take a hour or two at night or early morning. This can be a extremely productive time for a home based business, other than you can not return phone calls. Maybe you can use your lunch time at your job to return phone calls.

The solution for you has to be determined by you for your home based business. Plan ahead and block some family time. Communicate with your family members about what time you are blocking out for business activity As long as you communicate well, you should be able to spend free time on your business.

With some good planning, you can be successful in being good to your family and your home based business.


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