
everything i do i do it for you

Sep 27th 2011, 12:15 am
Posted by crystalclear43

ny baby after trying to fill a vois since you been gone o never evevn thoght you never left me i had to find me first before i couldf see that and i now know everything i went through every pain i fell it was killing you to stay away so you could come back and i could come back to noe egos no jealousy no fears onm what your friends and family will say anout the age differen. even though you had convinced me 2 yrs ago it doesnt mmatter cos you loved me so much but one problem you didnt believe it yourself cos your friends are very cruel i know i got all their childish shit  and you did nothing it took me this in march to realize that is why you left 2 yrs ago and in march you still are not ready i hope you will be one day so you stop hurting inside

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