| mohammed najeeb ulla shariff |
md ilyas
Kindly write letter to President of India regarding Burma Issue and demand.
His Excellency
President of India
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New, Delhi
Through: His Excellency, Governor of Jharkhand, Raj Bhavan, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Subject: Memorandum against the genocide of Muslims in Burma.
Honourable Sir,
We would like to draw your Excellencies kind attention regarding above subject matter. While the rest of the Islamic world engages in rituals of the Holy month of Ramazan, fasting and praying, the Muslim community in Burma is being incessantly targeted and slaughtered mercilessly. Thousands of Burmese Muslims have been massacred, while a large number have been forced to flee for their lives and dwell in squalid conditions by the Buddhist extremists and Burmese armed forces. The statistics shared with media say that around 20,000 Muslims killed, over two laces displaced, 4,000 families burnt alive and 300 mosques have been closed in Burma since June. Burmese military and community is accused of killing, rape and mass arrests targeting Muslims during recent sectarian violence in Western Burma.
We Indian Muslim condemn the genocides of Innocent Burmese Muslims and we urged the government of India to take strong stance against the injustice done to Muslims in Burma and demand to the president, prime minister andforeign minister of India to play their role in building pressure on Burma government.
Our Demands:
1. Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of all Buddhists in the world. He is totally silent on Muslim genocides in Burma. We urged Govt. of India to forces Dali Lama to immediately quit India. Indian Govt. should stop supporting all economics activities to foreigners Buddhists in India including stalling Potala Market in winter.
2. We urged Govt. of India to create pressure on Burmese Govt. to stop killing of Innocent Muslim in the country and take immediate steps to control the situation and rehabilitate the victims. Otherwise Indian govt. should break down its diplomatic and trade relationship with Burma.
3. Govt. of India raise question in UNO regarding genocide of the Muslin in Burma and request UNO Security Council to send its more force in Burma to stop Muslims genocides and control the situation. Govt. of India should also create pressure to Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) to play their due roles against ongoing genocide of Burmese Muslims.
4. It is prime duty of Human Right Commission to intervene and control the situation in Burma. Why Human Right Commission is not taking any action in Burma case? Where more than thousand of men, women and small children including new born baby burn alive and shoot outby the extremist Buddhist and Burmese armed forces. We urged Indian Govt. to express disappointment over the failure of the international community to take action to stop the massacres, violations, oppression and ethniccleansing by the government of Burma against Muslims. We demand sanctions against Burmese government and express disappointment over the silence of the international organizations working for human rights.
5. Burma is the next door neighbour of India and Muslim genocide is continued since many days, if it is not immediately stop it may have serious reciprocal on Indian Muslim for which Govt. of India and Govt. of Burma will be held responsible. We earnest request the Govt. of India to constitute a high level committee and send to Burma to control the situation.
With Warm Regards
Thanking You.
Yours Sincerely
 Aug 15th 2012, 2:00 am
 Last login:Aug 14th 2012, 4:11 am
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