Full Name
Movers Nigeria
About me
Movement of Voice for Democracy (MOVERS NIGERIA) have come to propagate the ideals of democracy characterised by good followership; that will create a mutual relationships. We will strive for a society where each individual has an influence on all developmental issues and to pursue and enforce civil actions on all spheres of our national live, everyday. MOVERS NIGERIA win strive for an economic order in which each person in their capacity as a citizen, a wage earner and a consumer can influence the direction and distribution of production, the organisation and conditions of working life. MOVERS NIGERIA’s aim is to enthrone a society free from upper or lower orders, without class distinctions, segregation or ethnic divisions, a society without prejudices and discrimination, where everybody is needed and where there is room for everybody, where everybody has the same rights and the same value, where each child can grow up to become a free and independent **, where each person is free to develop as an individual and in equal and loyal co-operation with others and free to search for the solutions which best serve the public good.
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May 5th 2013, 6:43 pm
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