Dr ahmed Fayez
Full Name
Dr ahmed Fayez
About me
chemical cleaning all type of black money We are manufacturer and seller different types of chemicals for cleaning of defaced/black notes which includes SSD SOLUTION, SUPER AUTOMATIC SOLUTION, VECTROL PASTE, ACTIVATION POWDER, TEBI-MAGNETIC SOLUTION etc, we also clean notes on percentage. We have the right chemical that can clean perfectly any kind of defaced currency, black, red, green or white without leaving any stain on the notes after cleaning. greylabworld manufacturer and seller of different types of chemicals for cleaning of defaced/black notes which includes SSD SOLUTION, SUPER AUTOMATIC SOLUTION, VECTROL PASTE, ACTIVATION POWDER, TEBI-MAGNETIC SOLUTION etc, we also clean notes on percentage. We have the right chemical that can clean perfectly any kind of defaced currency, black, red, green or white without leaving any stain on the notes after cleaning. All our chemicals is sold with manual guide that provides instruction how to use the chemical to perform the cleaning. Cleaning Machine is also available for customers that need cleaning Machine. Our company is an endorsed and certified company, registered and licensed for manufacturing of all sorts of chemical solutions based here in South Africa/ United Kingdom and in the United States of America. we also have branches in most part of the world. Contact us with your our contact details below so that we can respond to you directly as we do not visit here always. Dr ahmed Fayez Phone: +27 73 8239 606 greylabworld@gmail.com http://www.worldgreylab.tumblr.com www.youtube.com/watch?v=-98FiKkE9Pc www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnwQIc_bpNA www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y9Cy66s7pM
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Jun 14th 2016, 7:05 am
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