Irene Ramos

My value gift shop

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Apr 29th 2012, 2:36 pm
Posted by iramos68


I am pleased and excited to announce the opening of my new business, "My Value Gift       Shop"offering a tremendous selection of appealing items in categories ranging from home and garden decor to kitchenware, tools, candles and lighting, and more.
It is my goal to offer the community a convenient, affordably-priced, local option when it comes time to shop for special occasions, gift-giving events, or even a treat for themseleves.
To that end, I want to extend to you my personal invitation to visit my website which I offer items from $20 and below. I also carry catalogs and gift cards ranging from $10 $25 $50. So take advantage of the tremendous introductory savings I'm offering to celebrate our opening.

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