Sikander aqeel


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Jan 25th 2012, 6:12 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Metals`s Medical Doctorate 

1. After the battery is a simple plate of metal. or we can say a basic plate of it machine. because the battery and others plates would be joint with his. So the by number battery is first and second is this plate. 


2. after basic plate is a one more plate. which made of magnet . and this magnet plate will push beneath of electrons into a small pipe. So the electrons ll’ be reached easily on the surface of skin. and the skin ll’ obsorb the electrons accord of need. 


3. Third plate which would be plastic type. and would be dots of metal on it`s surface. and the battery ll’ supply the electrons in this dots metal. and this dots ll’ supply the electrons of pipe or tube. 


Dry Chemical action. 

from which electrons are coming out become later. or 24 volt battery is making electrons and Providing of dots plate. and dots plate Providing of pipe plate. and 


magnet plate is pushing of electrons below. and this electrons ll’ be enter into 

the body. So when it electrons ll’ be mixed with blood. that yours growth process again ll’ be started. because which dots plate we shall use that they would be 


plate of special metal. because it`s chemical reaction may be possible. from this reason we are doing use special plate of dots. So I am giving a very cheap Metals`s Medical Science. to 


which dose never finish into the whole life. Or sleeping pills often are lost. The day you need to sleep early. And when I ll' say about sleepy machine. So you will like Metals`s Medical Science         


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