If you meet a girl who has gone to school, work at a job, is nice, and a lady doesn't mean that you should treat her as a object and belittle her I.Q. not all girls are into only sex, parties, bars, and ** stuff. Girls like me like a guy who is nice, educated, treats a girl like a friend and a equal, someone who will always be there for her and support her just like she will do the same for him. Love does not become strong by just sex love has to mean something it means doing whatever it takes for the person you care for and work together as one to have a spark and connection. Sadly not all guys see that I am tired of guys saying I'm beautiful, but belittle me on my personality and educated mind it is turn off and only saying lol all the time during a normal conversation is an turn off too it shows that you do not have no interest in a girl only on her looks not her brain. So this is for guys out there who like this if you want to know me READ THE DAMN PROFILE if you ave what I am into then let's talk, start things small. become good friends, then in time it will blossom into love and if you're not the guy then stop trying cause you will NEVER get a girl like to be interested in creeps like you.
So turn off on girls like me: Smokers, Heavy Drinkers, Guys who go to bars, Guys who say LOL a lot in every conversation, guys who ask girls where they live, guys who ask girls for their numbers, **s who show pictures of their **s, guys who think all girls are whores and don't as ladies, guys who have **es and what they will do to a girl, and guys who ask girls if they suck and want to have sex.
These things you do to a girls like me are freakin turn offs it only shows that you are preverted **s who do not care about a girl and just want a one time noght or sex toy with a girl if you want a girl like that then go to dark alley and pay for a girl with no brains and common sense to have sex with you because I am not interested and any girl with brains and common senses like me will think the same way NOT all girls are into bars and parties to get drunk enough to have sex with creeps like you. So for any decent, smart, and sweet guys out there a welcome and to creeps like you ** OFF cause I am not interested and NEVER will!!
If you meet a girl who has gone to school, work at a job, is nice, and a lady doesn't mean that you should treat her as a object and belittle her I.Q. not all girls are into only sex, parties, bars, and ** stuff. Girls like me like a guy who is nice, educated, treats a girl like a friend and a equal, someone who will always be there for her and support her just like she will do the same for him. Love does not become strong by just sex love has to mean something it means doing whatever it takes for the person you care for and work together as one to have a spark and connection. Sadly not all guys see that I am tired of guys saying I'm beautiful, but belittle me on my personality and educated mind it is turn off and only saying lol all the time during a normal conversation is an turn off too it shows that you do not have no interest in a girl only on her looks not her brain. So this is for guys out there who like this if you want to know me READ THE DAMN PROFILE if you ave what I am into then let's talk, start things small. become good friends, then in time it will blossom into love and if you're not the guy then stop trying cause you will NEVER get a girl like to be interested in creeps like you.
So turn off on girls like me: Smokers, Heavy Drinkers, Guys who go to bars, Guys who say LOL a lot in every conversation, guys who ask girls where they live, guys who ask girls for their numbers, **s who show pictures of their **s, guys who think all girls are whores and don't as ladies, guys who have **es and what they will do to a girl, and guys who ask girls if they suck and want to have sex.
These things you do to a girls like me are freakin turn offs it only shows that you are preverted **s who do not care about a girl and just want a one time noght or sex toy with a girl if you want a girl like that then go to dark alley and pay for a girl with no brains and common sense to have sex with you because I am not interested and any girl with brains and common senses like me will think the same way NOT all girls are into bars and parties to get drunk enough to have sex with creeps like you. So for any decent, smart, and sweet guys out there a welcome and to creeps like you ** OFF cause I am not interested and NEVER will!!