fouad yousif

25% off your Tax Preparation Fee

Feb 25th 2014, 8:42 am
Posted by yousiffo1

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Location: 2250 bovaird drive east, brampton, ontario

Time: Feb 25th 2014, 5:30 am

When your Tax Return e-file going gets tough the tough get going. When the going of your tax return gets rough (high tax preparation fees, you owe previous taxes ) come and see us at economical tax brampton we do frugal tax filing for those stressed at tax time because at Economical tax the Tough Get Rough. Personal tax returns from 29$ , Business returns from 75$, will save you more than in reduced tax owed. Switch your tax service provider and get 25% off your tax preparation fee" , you are not obligated to go back to the gouger, its your choice its your option, we want to beam you up as the tough gets your tax return going. Economical Tax Service, 2250 bovaird drive east,Springdale professional bldg, unit 111, t 905 7931003.
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