Mike Beaumont

The Miracle Spice That Knocks Out Diabetes

Dec 30th 2011, 6:20 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955
In this day and age, I am sure that we all know someone that has diabetes. It can be a precursor to a lot of serious problems with your health. But you can get help, and very easily, with the miracle spice that knocks out diabetes and its awful side effects. So to get the miracle spice that knocks out diabetes all you have to do is visit your spice cabinet, or at the most, take a trip to the grocery store. This miracle spice that I am talking about is cinnamon.
This little miracle spice is all-natural, tastes great, and is very easy to find. And although we all know about and probably use it in our lives for one thing or another, it is vastly underused as a treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The common treatment for both of these types of diabetes is with oral medication and/or insulin. Just don’t expect to hear about this treatment from your “friendly” patent medicine salesman or your doctor. The problem with cinnamon is that it is cheap, unpatentable, and non-prescription, so none of the medical experts can make any money from it.
Several years ago, an isolated part of cinnamon, a flavonoid called methylhydroxychalcone polymer, or MHCP, caused a flurry of news reports, many of which can be found on the internet, saying that this polymer closely mimics the activity of insulin, and when the two were used together they worked synergistically and were even more effective in regulating glucose metabolism. Some tests indicated that MHCP affected the enzymes similarly to that of insulin. One of the possibly overlooked benefits of this combination is preventing type 2 diabetes before it ever starts in those that are at risk.
Individuals that have type 2 diabetes can add this supplement to their daily routine, along with exercise, proper diet, and other supplementation, make the myriad of adverse side effects (including increased cardiovascular mortality) totally void. If you only have a mild case of diabetes, the addition of this supplementation along with exercise and proper diet can quite possibly make the use of medication totally unnecessary. At the very least it will improve the symptoms. It is also wise to always consult with a physician that can help monitor your progress and help you withdraw from your medication. To find a doctor that can help out with this treatment, call the American College for Advancement in Medicine.
Since MHCP and insulin are synergistic, it may be possible to regulate blood sugar with less insulin, especially in the type 1 version. Always work with a physician when tapering down insulin usage. Some of the warning signs that may indicate the onset of type 2 diabetes are as follows;
1. Shin spots. Slow spreading, brownish-red discolorations on the shins.
2. Skin tags. These are tags of skin frequently found on the neck, under the arms, and in the groin area.
3. Dupuytren’s contracture. The connective tissue under the skin begins to thicken and shorten, causing the fingers to draw down towards the palm.
4. Excess weight gain. Probably the most widely known physical symptom, and usually the easiest to spot.
In addition to those listed above, some internal risk factors you should be aware of is high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and of course family history of the disease. If you notice any of these characteristics, get checked by a physician before it elevates and causes other problems. The earlier this is diagnosed the better chances of stopping or maybe even eliminating it. One thing to remember is that like most plants and other living things, each has both fat and water soluble fractions. To avoid the fat soluble fractions that can build up in your body, simply boil the whole cinnamon in water and discard the whole portion after draining off the water. Simply strain the water through cheesecloth and use the water you drain off to add to your dietary plans. If you prefer not to go through all this you can supplement MHCP, the cinnamon derivative. So add the miracle spice that knocks out diabetes to your supplements and diet and see the benefits that can be had. Make sure you stay in touch with a physician who can help monitor your progress to prevent any problems that may occur. So get on track with your health and wealth, and live a better life. See you on the beaches of the world.

diabetes(3), spice(1), cinnamon(1), health(74), insulin(1), medication(1)

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