romantic poems

Lost Love Found

Dec 29th 2011, 11:02 am
Posted by wildncrazy555

Lost Love Found


March 29, 2011


I need not scream

For the return of my dream

I feel so much better

For from her I received a letter

Her feelings were not of being mad

But of making me feel glad

She still wants me

And that is the way it should be

There was never a great cost

Nor even a feeling of being lost

When I heard from my love

All was still sent from heaven above

She finally did show

And my face had such a great glow

For me she does still need

So for now I will not concede

She still loves me so

In my heart I will always know

To me she will still marry

Now my head is not in a flurry

And a family we will still start

In mine heart I will sing like a lark

As God meant us to see

Together we will always be

In the simple breeze

I will hold her in my arms to squeeze

Now that I have my dear

I will lose all my fear

I have my best friend back

Oh God thank you for that

For with her I have no doubt

Thank you God I will never be without

She has made me so happy I still cry

For in my heart I do not want to die

All the feelings of dread

Have been put out of my head

To her I have so much to give

And for all of that we will always live

We must always treat each so well

My heart can only swell

I feel so young again

And that is where she will begin

i thought was lost but still reality(1)

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