Mike Beaumont

Clear It Up With a Miracle Mineral

Dec 28th 2011, 8:45 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955
Many of us have suffered minor maladies in our days, and some of them can be rather embarrassing if they crop up at the wrong time. We all know what “Montezuma’s revenge” is, and it can strike at the most inopportune times. This little surprise loves to show its ugly little head when we travel, especially to other countries where their water supplies are not as healthy as ours. Some water supplies can carry very nasty disease-triggering bacteria in them; one of them that come to mind is cholera. But that is only one of the many bacteria that can be found in water, and you can clear it up with a miracle mineral.
You don’t have to visit some shaman in the deep jungle to find a magic cure for these little nasties when traveling; you can carry your own little bottle of magic formula by getting a small bottle of potassium iodide with you when you travel. It is a formulation of iodine and potassium, and a couple of drops in your water will purify your water before you drink it. This formulation is better known as SSKI. It is actually an acronym for “saturated solution of potassium iodide,” and can be purchased at most good health food stores. Iodine is a basic element, like calcium, zinc, or oxygen. “Iodine” is actually two iodine molecules stuck together and is reactive to other elements, so to make it safer it is used in iodide form (one molecule) combined with potassium.
You might have heard public mention of this formulation, usually in association with terrorist attacks or nuclear power plant disasters. It is usually taken in tablet form to help protect the thyroid gland in the event of radiation poisoning in the event of a meltdown or atomic weapons attack. This scenario is a little drastic, but the use of SSKI as a home remedy has dozens of uses. The first use has already been mentioned as a water purifier when traveling. Take a few drops in a glass of water before getting on a plane to help fight against any respiratory infections (“airline sinusitis”) following a flight. The SSKI accumulates in any body secretions, including the sinus cavities, where it kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi before they can cause infection.
One infection that seems to crop up in women more often than men is bladder infections, and can be rather painful. One side note here is that the amount of SSKI that is needed to eliminate bladder infections is rather high, so it is important to use it with caution. You should consult a physician and monitor your thyroid function during this time to prevent any thyroid damage. If you have painful breast or ovarian cysts you can add 6 to 8 drops in a glass of water to your supplements and it will usually reduce them to insignificance within three to six months. Even if you have severe fibrocystic breast disease, there is often improvement in as little as an hour or two. In very severe cases, a solution called Lugol’s solution, can be applied directly to the vaginal area and immediately followed up with a shot of magnesium sulfate. You will need to have a doctor’s help with both of these, so for a referral, call the American College for Advancement in Medicine.
Women who suffer from ovarian cysts have had remarkable success with the use of SSKI, with the cysts disappearing in most cases in two to three months. A physician who is skilled in nutritional and natural medicine can be of great assistance in these treatments, and help monitor the progress of the treatments of these cases. SSKI can help your body metabolize estrone, the slightly carcinogenic human form of estrogen, and alpha-hydroxyestrone, a much deadlier metabolite of human estrogen into estriol, an anti-carcinogenic, or at worst, neutral form of human estrogen. And all these you can clear up with a miracle mineral. So get on track, stay true to yourself, and get on the road to better health and wealth. See you on the beaches of the world.

nutrition(3), health(74), breast disease(1), cancer(6), cysts(2), estrogen(1)

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