Sikander aqeel


Yesterday, 4:51 am
Posted by aqeelsika1


By astronomy it is important question, that why Universe is so big. and astronomy each book is incomplete without it. So perhaps in past the particle was happening gather with each other, and after it, the Universe was expressed in big shape. But  in present Time the particle to be happening divide in shape of energy. 


Why Universe is so large, 

So the universe size is different for some living-thing. and for some living-things the Universe is not exist into space. and when we shall compare with sight with all living-things, then this matter will be solved. 


1. The universe is hundred percent vast for Human. or, one human can see the hundred percent universe with only own eyes. or, without telescope. 

2. The universe is twenty percent big for the animal. or, mostly animal can see only the sun and moon. and them in sight, the stars are not exist into space. 

3. The Universe is not exist into space for Insects. or, the Insects cannot see of moon and sun. because! the Insects`s sight works only few kilometers. 



1. The Human can see the Universe. and from this reason The speed is very less of human for walk or for run. we shall say here. the sun`s light do the affect on human energy. 

2. The animal can see only twenty percent universe. from this reason, the speed is too much of animal for walk or, for run. So the Sun`s light do not much affect on the animals. 

3. The Insects cannot see of Universe totally. from this reason them speed happens very fast by them weight.         



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