Mike Beaumont

Heart Trouble – Is It An End All?

Dec 19th 2011, 7:54 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955
Does anyone in your family suffer from heart problems? Or does someone close to you suffer? My family has a history of problems, and I am taking this journey upon myself to inform others that there is something that can be done to prevent this deadly disease from taking control of their lives. You can take back control, and even prevent it from happening in the first place, with the proper precautionary steps. Follow me on this journey to better health and wealth.

Many times, people wonder if they are in as good of health as they think. And in the back of most people’s minds is the dreaded question of, “will I have heart problems”? There are no real fail safe signs that you could be a victim of heart failure, but there are a couple of signs that indicate a likelihood of pending heart problems. One telltale sign is the presence of horizontal lines across the earlobe. Though it is not a for sure indicator, it is a good idea to have a thorough checkup if this sign appears. Another more reliable indicator of heart problems is a pink nose and rosy cheeks. Not the kind of rosy cheeks you find on a good complexion or from cold weather, but the kind that is a result of dilated capillaries in the cheek and nose.
This could be a good indicator of poor digestion, which is caused by low stomach acidity. It is an indicator that you may not be properly digesting and absorbing your nutrients, minerals, supplements, and medications. It could also indicate a low production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach. Hardening of the arteries, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and high blood pressure, along with obesity, are common causes of this condition, and can spell trouble for your heart.

Many people suffer everyday with angina, severe chest pain caused by arterial blockage. A doctor will usually prescribe nitroglycerin and calcium channel blockers, along with a vitamin E supplement, the standard treatment for angina. The one thing that a doctor won’t tell you is that it will work to get rid of the problem. The first step to getting control of such a painful problem is to change your diet by switching to whole grains, more vegetables, especially the green ones, less meat, and more fish. The elimination of as many chemicals as possible is also a big necessity. You should also be tested for levels of homocysteine, C-reactive proteins, and key minerals. There are other tests that should be carried out along with these, and you should seek proper medical assistance in so doing. The addition of vitamin E, L-carnitine, co-enzyme Q10, and magnesium should also be added to your daily supplements. They should be taken three times daily, along with a potent multi-vitamin and mineral supplement that contains at least 50 milligrams of vitamin B6, 800 milligrams of folate, and 500 milligrams of vitamin B12. Testosterone is also a valuable addition to these supplements, as it helps strengthen the heart muscles.

There is one nasty little chemical that most people don’t even think about when it comes to the effect it has on their health, and that is chlorine. It is a powerful oxidizing agent (that’s why it’s used for bleaching), and can cause severe damage to your blood vessels. Studies were done on American servicemen that were killed during battle in the Korean and Vietnam wars, and it was found that in more than 75% of all those that were checked, that they were found to have atherosclerosis. It was also found that the water they were given was so heavily chlorinated that it was virtually undrinkable. Chlorine was found to promote development of atherosclerosis in the study of animals and their exposure to chlorine. If you don’t have a reverse osmosis treatment system for your water at home, the chlorine can be easily removed by boiling the water for 5-10 minutes, or adding a small dash of vitamin C crystals to the water, or with charcoal filtering. To make certain the type of filter you use will remove chlorine, check with the manufacturer of the filter.

These steps will provide a good starting point for the recovery from, or the prevention of, heart problems. But the choice is up to you. You must take the first step, by wanting to make the change, in your life, and in your health. Make the right choice, to improve your health and wealth, by choosing to take the right path.

heart problems(1), poor digestion(1), minerals(1), supplements(2), medications(1), cholesterol(2)

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