Sikander aqeel


Nov 24th 2011, 12:14 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

I was telling about computerized tea making machine from some week. which had completed last week. Now a boiling computerized machine and other gonna fried machine. which I shall start some week later. But I am telling about a important machine. which belongs with good luck. and it is also very important matter of world. 


that why everyone have not a Rose-Rise, or B.M.W and Mercedes. because! often you sees the good luck by natural view. But I am doing convert it in the machine. to which name is ‘‘The switch’’  which you do the Custody of child very carefully. but you never thought about the good luck of child. Although it is basic matter of human. 


which like you do the Custody of child. Exactly like this you should do Custody of good luck of child. So it is our new chapter. in which I shall tell about machine of good luck through the light. to what is the light in our life. and what it do the work in our life. and how it affects at our life.             

water light for ever(1036)

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