Sikander aqeel


Nov 19th 2011, 11:01 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

metals`s number and  planet`s  rotation!  

with Neptune, 

Why at the each planet the metals number are different. this is big reason. the rotation and axis rotation of planet. and it is fact which can be solved with maths. Although the same type whole system of solar system. but in this systems changes are different. or more easy words. 


you knows very well. the snacks and fishes have not foot. because their belong with the temperature of mercury planet. from this reason this both creature are very Ancient at the earth. when earth temperature was very warm. it both creature are arising at earth. 


after it the Earth was cooled down. the second period began at earth. to which belong was two legs. like a Human, Ostrich, and kingro. and this gonna two legs creature is belongs with Earth and Venus. when more cooled the atmosphere of earth. then began 


the period of four legs creature. in which Cat, Dog, Lion, and others gonna four legs animals. and at last creature was the Insects. to which population you cannot finish at planet. because their virus of life happens very strong and powerful too. So it was the 


difference between of different  living-things. totally like this. is condition of metals at each planet. So it is very long chapter of living-things. our important point is here. the metals of planets and their rotation affects. 


About rotation of planet and metals number. 

So it is very easy that we shall solve with maths. If would be less the rotation and axis rotation of planet. then would be less number of metals at planet. like that Venus planet. the Venus have only 61 metals number. and Venus last metal`s mass unit is 146. and if would be excessive the rotation and axis rotation of planet. then there would be excessive the number of metals. like that the Earth. 


Details of last metal of Neptune. 

(1) ''Sn( 388 )Neptunium'' is the last metal of ‘‘Neptune’’. (2) Radius is the 6. (3) the 24 hours are the value of circle. (4) photon mass unit is .008. (5) and 10 millimeter are equal to one centimetre. after it all calculation. we would be acquired the code of metal. to which we shall fall into the New energy law. and matter of planet about metals will be solved.  


The proof of last metal of ‘‘Neptune’’ 

 ''Sn( 388 )Neptunium'' mass unit is 1171 / 6 = 195.1666667 x 24 = 4684  x .008 = 37.472 x 10 = 374.72 So 374.72 is the code of last metal of ‘‘Neptune’’ Now we shall fall it into the new energy law. to the acquire of days. 


By Energy Law

New energy law is ‘‘E = m + m x C1’’ and ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' metal code is 374.72 So m374.72 + m374.72 = 749.44 x 300000000 light speed = 224832000000 x .008 = 1798656000 / 1000000 light measure = 1798.656 seconds  + 1.344 Isotopes value = 1800 seconds + 139800 = 141600 seconds distance from the Uranus of the Neptune. So It 141600 seconds distance is equal to 29500 days + ( 30687.5 days of Uranus  ) = 60187.5 total days of Neptune.




last metal of Neptune is ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' to which atomic number is 388 and mass unit 1171 and Cross-pton 80.4 and Neutron number are 783 and 388 electrons revolves around it.    



we shall say here. why metals number was stopped of ‘‘Neptune’’ after ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' because the ‘‘Neptune’’ rotation and diameter value was consist on 375 days. and these days are equal to 388 metal number. So 73000 


metals are exist into the Universe. to which details will take some time to you. If you want to understand  itself. that who are you and why are you. and what is the relation your with metal.  Although it is too big question. but I shall try to solve it. 


Proton and Cross-pton of ''Sn(388)Neptunium''

''Sn(388)Neptunium'' mass unit is 1171 / 28.8 proton charge = 40.65972222 x 24 hours = 975.8333333 x 60 minute = 58550 x .008 one photon = 468.4 and these are total number of charged proton in the ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' and it is not accurate metal. because 80.4 Cross-pton have made up from Neutron side. 


So 468.4 are  Proton and 80.4 are total Cross-pton into the ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' or proton are 468.4 - 80.4 Cross-pton = 388 proton of ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' or 388 atomic number of ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' and 80.4  Neutron have charged. to which we shall say the Cross-pton    


Neutron and Cross-pton of ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' 

''Sn(388)Neptunium'' mass unit is 1171 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 243.958333 x 24 hours = 5855 x 60 minute = 351300 x .008 one Photon = 2810.4 / 4 = 702.6 Neutron into ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' and to the total number of neutron 702.6 + 80.4 Cross-pton = 783 total Neutron number into the ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' or Neutron 783 +  388 proton = 1171 mass unit of ''Sn(388)Neptunium'' So after collecting. Neutron 702.6 + 80.4 Cross-pton + 388 charged Proton = 1171 mass unit of ''Sn(388)Neptunium''   



perhaps your brain will have not ‘‘believe it. from reason of too much number of metals. but you should know that I am telling about Universe. which is unlimited. So a matter is cleared here that the metals are belongs with Diameter and rotation. the Diameter androtation belongs with distance. or if the planet rotation will happen too much. then metals number also too much. 


and the distance too. you knows very well here the solar system is not vast system into the universe. and the last planet of Proxima Centauri how many away from Proxima Centauri, perhaps you will not believe. and the Proxima Centauri is also small system in the Milky-Way. and about any system is very difficult to do the decide. because you cannot reach there. but you knows about my. and many secrets are exist here. to which about will tell later.              


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