Sikander aqeel


Nov 18th 2011, 4:16 am
Posted by aqeelsika1


It is final picture of tea and coffee making machine. in which A, mark is existing at left side. and it A mark will use for ‘on’ and ‘off’ the pipe. because this pipe is fix with main kettle. and through this pipe you will transfer the tea or coffee into the second kettle for take. So at the last you will have to go in 


the kitchen for some moments to bring the tea or coffee. B, is the pipe to which one beginning is over the second kettle and other beginning is fixed with main kettle. or you will have to use it for ‘on’ ‘off’ handle to transfer the tea or coffee into ordinary 


kettle. C, is the ordinary kettle which you will use for acquire the tea or coffee from the main kettle which is fixed with machine. So it was the last system of tea making machine. and any system is not impossible in this machine.     


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