yang smile

Fishing For Walleye From The Shore

Jul 18th 2011, 11:19 pm
Posted by smileyang

Fishing for Walleye is very common and especially if you live up in the north. This kind of fish is very fun to fish for and is great to eat.

In the following article you will find some super slim pomegranate fishing tips that will show you how to catch walleye from ether the shore or from a boat.

Hooks and meizitang capsule Lures

The first thing that we can work on is lures. When it comes to fishing, usually you will want to make sure that your hooks are sharp jimpness beauty fat loss capsule at all times. This is important as it will help you snag the lure in the fishes mouth so they will have a hard time spiting it out after wards.

The way colors work is very simple, use bright colors whenever the water is very unclear or if it is a cloudy day outside. If it is a sunny day and the water is very clear stick to more dull colors as this will attract the fish more.

You must also take into consideration that what works one day will not work all the time. Fish are very picky and one lure will not work all the time. You need to be versatile and try different things in order to see what will work the best for you.

The types of hooks then generally do the best with Walleye is Jigs and Spinners. These seem to work fairly well no matter where or what your fishing conditions are. If you also strap on a minnow it will be very hard for the fish to ignore your bait.

So that is the basic lure selection guide, it's nothing advanced but the fundamentals are very important nonetheless. I hope next time you go fishing you will be able to snag as many Walleye from the shore as you can.

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