Mechanical Ideas.
You are seeing two set-up in one picture. and this set-up is belongs with fire system. which will shut the fire and open the fire. here has used the liter system from which you burn the
cigarettes. So the springfield is the loss at the A mark in Y picture. because the bering is in the slope. and from this reason the green pin is over. C liter shaft is also top in the picture. and the system is off in the Y picture. So the wheel has
rounded in the Z picture. and springfield has also tight. and from this reason, the one side of green pin has down. and other side has over. here are two works will happen. to open the gas and to burn the gas through the K-L system. or when
other side of green pin will be gone over. the shaft of liter will also gone up and this system will round the K-L system and a fire stone is connected with L wheel. which will use to fire-spark. So the fire-spark system is contain at two wheels.
one wheel or K wheel is connect with green pin. when green pin gone over the liter shaft will also be gone over. and it process will round the K wheel. and K wheel will round of L wheel. and the L wheel is at the fire stone. So from this friction the fire-spark will burn of the gas.