It is also very important matter. you always see the sun in 1.5 feet size from the earth. but if you want imagin size of sun from one minute away. then this law will help us. many events rises up into the Universe. sometimes a star suddenly very quickly
melt to be the small size. fact about a star. which was oposite across of our solar system in the milky-way. and around this star the life were exist in two planets. there in only four centuries. their star was fifty percent melt. from this reason.
there life was suddenly finished into the two planets. why it happened, actually you do not know about the starQuake which happens very dangerous. tell later to which details. So we are doing probe of sun from one minute away. So from one
minute away the sun size will happen 66.66 foot. Now by maths is that the sun diameter is 4833.26 days kilometres. So 4833.26 / 60 seconds = 80.55433337 and we shall only use 80 here. So 80 x 10 atom = 800 inch. and by the foot that 800 inch / 12 = 66.66 foot height of sun from one minute away.