Sikander aqeel


Oct 30th 2011, 10:08 am
Posted by aqeelsika1


No any difference between Universe and particle.  or in the system of  a universe and in the system of a particle. like our solar system In which nine vast planets with the one little Pluto. and it`s oposite a Fluorine atom, In which nine electrons. So Flourine`s 


system is totally same like our solar system. or like a star`s system. if said anybody. that the universe happens into a tiny particle. they were said true. but some words are lost in the books. I had read this words in the books of the baghdad first time. I saw it second time in the books of dehli. and at the last time, I heared this words into the one  


movie. perhaps to which name was the ‘‘Tomb Raider’’ in the part first or part two. So as I heard it at last time. I began the probe on it. that it can be possible or not. So it can be possible If you have accurate figures of maths about the particle. So I shall solve this matter with the particle calculation. which will take yours some time. 



If you are doing probe on the solar system. then your this probe is limited. because cannot be understood of universe from the one system. some about two stars, which are seven or eight Time year away from the ‘‘Proxima Centauri’’ and there between in two stars is a vast planet. Nearly there size will happen that 32 or 40 Jupiter size. to which name is the 




No any rotation of the Faint planet. or they are not rotation around any star and even not in own axis rotation. Because the force of galaxy centre always of small thing to turns around the vast thing. but there because of two vast stars. the galaxy`s centre force becomes failed. So this Faint planet is stopped at the own one place. and it is also a system into the universe. 



There are many moon around the Faint planet. I could not counted their. nearly will happen, 65 to 80 till. and there life is exist in many moon. telling about of one moon here, which is exist at the eleventh position from the  surface of Faint planet. and the moon is very big like our three Earth. and there life is only exist the shape of plants and trees. there are no any 


living-thing like our earth. or no any animal, no any human type thing, and no any birds. there colour of water is the Pale or yellow. because of dead hydrogen atom. and the moon is filled from trees and plants. and there air`s speed happens very fast. like as ordinary 400 


kilometres per hours to 1300 kilometres per hours. but one thing is very wonder there. that material of trees and the plants. they are not of wood. or their shape of pearl type. because as they are ‘‘burning’’ that they becomes shrink.  and there my probe is continue. and will remain continue. 



Now at our front is a particle and a universe. we shall first of all detect of solar system in particle. that our solar system is where exist in the particle. If we solved this matter. then we shall begin to discover of milky-way and after it the whole universe. Although it is hard matter. but you well knows about my.     






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