Sikander aqeel


Oct 27th 2011, 12:08 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

1. In this picture has shown a Cap or cover of kettle. which is movable. It will always be up side. but when you fill the kettle from Sugar, Milk, coffee. then you will have to down it through the computer. and it option will second. because after down 


the cover of kettle. you can fill the kettle from the something. 2. one more thing is here the green Rubber pipe. which is connect between of two pipe. that feed pipe and the cover of kettle. it will be Flexible. So the soon! Computerized tea making machine program is going to end. Although I have 


unlimited programs of computer. which about never thought you. but my aim is different behind it. that in the population of world day after day being increase. So I have made the program of three hundred computerized machine. from which many problems of world be solved.            

water light for ever(1036)

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