Only that action happens able to reactions, which that could be shift in energy. Or the energy only can be produced this things, which that things can be melt and burn. Like a metal, and metal can melt, and` wood or coal. It both can burn. since like this into each metal the energy happens exist.. Or` we can acquire the energy from wood and coal. but we cannot acquire the energy from each metal. because` energy hidden into system of atom. Or` energy to the bring in process, only is a
proton. Or` in easy words. into atom mostly proton lives in under the neutron layer. and` his opposite wood and coal are totally dependent on hydrogen, and` hydrogen meaning only proton. So hydrogen is quickly jump into energy. But we can change system of atom. because` which things can melt. they can change own condition. and` energy is exist into each metal. because` photon is basic particle of atom. from this reason the metal is melt. Or` photon meaning
temperature, and` temperature meaning photon.
‘‘Technetium’’ mass unit 100 So m100 cold + m100 hot = 200 x one light ray 300000000 = 60000000000, it is the total energy of one ‘‘Technetium’’ atom. Or from like this after reactions the energy was shifted in hours. Or` has gone in future. as proof` when we divide with 60 minute, then energy will be come back in present condition 60000000000 / 60 minute = 1000000000. it is a ‘‘Technetium’’ atom and a light measurement in meter. and 10
micro meter size of atom. Or` 1000000000. / 1000m / 100m / 10mm = 1000 / 10 micro meter = 100 mass unit of ‘‘Technetium’’ now we shall say here. Two Actions equal to m100 cold + m100 hot and one reactions 60000000000 in shape of energy. and` speed of one ray equal to1000000m reactions power. and ‘‘Technetium’’ size equal to under 10 micro meter.
Energy began from 10 micro meter area. Or` 10 Hydrogen atoms area. and end in 60000000000 till. Or` ‘‘Technetium’’ energy is 60000000000 future / 4.8 = 12500000000 it is the past. when we shall divide with ‘‘Technetium’’ mass unit. then area or basic atom will be solved of past. like this 12500000000 / 100 = 125000000 /
1000m / 100cm /10mm / 10mc = 12.5 and 12.5 meaning 10 Hydrogen atom. Or` 12.5 / 1.25 one Hydrogen = 10. we shall say here. 10.0 percent reaction area be spent for energy in one ‘‘Technetium’’ atom. Or` 100 / 10 = 10.0 area of ‘‘Technetium’’ atom.
Now 10.0 it was area of energy. There energy happens begin. Now we shall solved his time. Or` total how many spent time. 12.5 hot Hydrogen + 12.5 cold Hydrogen = 25 x 300000000 = 7.500000000 x .008 = 60000000 / 1000m / 100m / 10cm = 60 Seconds. like this` total 60 seconds time spent for energy to be create.
You know very well. first of all energy travels in straight. and in end. they are spreader into orbit. like this` 10.0 area x 60 seconds = 600 seconds straight energy. now we shall make his orbit. 600 x 1000m x 100m x 10mm = 600000000. it is atom orbit energy with light. now we shall know his Radius 600000000 / 6 = 100000000. it is energy radius of one ‘‘Technetium’’ atom. Here you saw we ll’ have not to need multiplication with 6 for radius. Because,
before end of a energy. convert in orbit automatically. Or` 60 seconds or one minute were already a orbit. from like this way 10.0 x 60 seconds = 600 or 600 / 6 angles of orbit = 100 mass unit of ‘‘Technetium’’ now it has been orbit of ‘‘Technetium’’ energy.
If the atom energy law will happen right. then atomic theory be solved by each side. Every metal have own different shape. But his process is only one. Such as this ‘‘Technetium’’ Radius is 16.66 and by energy law E = ‘m16.66 + ‘m16.66 = 33.32 x 300000000 = 9996000000 / 1000000 light measure = 9996 / 100mm reactions time of beginning = 99.96 + 0.04 = 100 mass unit of ‘‘Technetium’’ or m16.66 x 6 angles of orbit = 99.96 + 0.04 = 100 mass unit of ‘‘Technetium’’