
Learn Which Retailers Are Using The Best Seo Tactics During The Festival Season

Sep 25th 2023, 1:37 am
Posted by valuehits123


Festival season is in full swing, and this year is no exception. Festival goers require the proper gear, including clothing, tents, and waterproofs for the suitable climate across the world.

We can identify which venues have made preparations for the festival season and which ones still need work, thanks to data from PI Datametrics.

Seasonal SEO techniques

We've previously discussed seasonal SEO, which focuses on optimizing for critical times of the year and ensuring your site is well-positioned to benefit from the subsequent increase in interest and search traffic.

To prevent any cannibalization of their own search traffic, sites must optimize in advance and refine their internal linking methods.

This entails building hubs or landing pages for the targeted search phrases and linking back to them with the keywords in question.

Trends in Festival Search

The information provided by Google Trends is a helpful indicator of the products people are most likely searching for and the peaks in interest.

Here are some significant trends, using "festival clothing" as an example:

  • The busiest months for festival attire are May, June, July, and August.

  • 2015 saw a surge in 'festival clothing' searches in August, totaling 33,100.

  • 'Festival clothing' was looked up 40,500 times in May 2016.

  • From May 2015 to May 2016, "festival clothing" sales increased by 82%.

First example: "festival clothing."

Ideal search performance should resemble this. The sites here consistently rank for the chosen term, competing for search rankings not with their own content but with one another.

festival clothing top

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This is the landing page for the phrase, and ASOS is the top website for it. The fact that the store set up this specific page and regularly linked to it is crucial.

festival clothing

On the other hand, improper planning results in this sort of variable performance.

festval poor perf

Source - 

Example 2: Essentials for festivals

The top websites for this term:

  • Skiddle

  • Tesco

  • Her Packing ListGigwise

  • Mountain Warehouse

  • All Noise

  • Go outdoors

The five months before the festival-related traffic peak are shown below, and they all rank consistently during that time.

festival essentials

Source - 

Mountain Warehouse, one of the top performers, has carefully prepared its content approach.

The page that Google displays when you search for "festival essentials" contains a list of necessary goods linked to the appropriate product categories. 

mountain warehouse seo

Millets, in contrast, has yet to put as much effort into optimizing the on-page language while having a festival landing page.

millets seo

Internal linkage has been overlooked as well. Its blog has a ton of festival- and product-related content, so there are plenty of opportunities to link regularly to the landing page above.

millets blog

There is a lot of text here and plenty of chances to connect to the landing page or even pertinent product pages, but there are only a few links to a product (or product category) offered for sale on the website.

Look at this Mountain Warehouse content page for comparison, which includes links to the products it discusses.

It's extraordinary because Millets corrected some of the strategy but completely botched the integration. We have some helpful festival-related content as well as a landing page.

Simply linking regularly from the content to the landing pages is all Millets needs to accomplish. It's a genuine chance lost.

To sum up

The illustrations highlight the need for a cohesive SEO and content strategy for seasonal events, especially when considering SEO packages. Knowing when the seasonal traffic surges are expected to occur, the key terms to target, and then putting the proper plan into action well in advance are all important.

This further emphasizes the significance of effective collaboration between the content and SEO teams. On Millets, the teams responsible for creating the material need to be more knowledgeable about SEO tactics, including SEO packages and affordable SEO services, to ensure a successful strategy.


seo packages(1), affordable seo services(3), seo teams(1), content strategy(1), festivals(1), seo tactics(1)

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