Jun 16th 2020, 1:03 am

1.               Executive Summary


This position paper highlights the situation of road traffic and accident rates in Nigeria with a perspective on the impacts of speeding. The importance and benefits of road speed limiters as a solution to road traffic accidents is discussed. It’s application in different countries and how it has helped in reducing road accidents and fatalities.

This paper also draws on the most practicable approach and well-travelled road of focusing speed limiting deployment on Commercial and Heavy Duty Vehicle segment given that this segment accounts for vehicles with larger people carrying capacity as well as cargo conveyance (valuable dry and wet cargoes).

Road safety is one of the world's most serious public health and social issues:

q  It has an impact on everyone, whether you drive, walk, or cycle


q  Of all the systems that people have to deal with on a daily basis, road transport is the most complex and the most dangerous


q  Worldwide, the number of people killed in road traffic crashes each year is estimated at about 1.2 million


q  Road traffic injuries are the eighth leading cause of death globally, and the leading cause of death for young people aged 15–29

o   Road crash costs usually represent between 1% and 3% of a country’s GDP (Depending on whether a human capital or willingness to pay approach is used)

q  Encouraging a culture of safe road behaviour that in turn achieves sustained reductions in road traffic injuries requires persistent attention

q  Many countries have implemented and enforced effective legislation to reduce Speeding and Drink–driving; Use of motorcycle helmets; Seat-belts; and Child restraints

o   As per various studies conducted, it is reported that the use of seat belts reduces the risk of injury by 45% and that of death by 61%

o   Wearing of helmets reduces the risk and severity of head injury by 70%

o   Avoiding drunk driving can reduce the risk of getting injured by more than 40%

o   Last but not the least lack of suitable infrastructure, like potholed roads, bad traffic signals, improper signboards etc. comprise another 25% of road accidents.

q  However, Over Speeding is a major road safety problem in all countries

o   Faster driving speeds increase the likelihood of a crash occurring, and the severity of the crash consequences

o   As per a recent survey, each 1 km/h speed drop leads to a 5% decrease in fatal crashes.

q  Only 26 high income countries rate implementation of speed limits infrastructure (enforced by fines and monitoring of speed using Speed Cameras, Radars and Sensors) as good;

o   Only 20% of high income countries report good implementation

o   Speed monitoring infrastructure like Traffic Cameras, Radars and Sensors typically too expensive for developing countries

q  Implementation of Camera-based Speed Monitoring Systems:

o   High infrastructure cost (speed cameras) and expensive government contracting process; susceptible to corruption and poor implementation in developing countries

o   High monitoring and maintenance cost (enforcement and support)

o   Low effectiveness (drivers speeding at areas without cameras)

q  Speed Limiting Devices: First introduced in Europe on Commercial and Heavy Duty Vehicles, despite prevalence of speeding fines

o   Works with 2 available engine systems: Mechanically and Electronically Controlled Engines (whether injection or carburettor fuel systems)

q  Road Speed Limiter principle: Prevention is the best cure; Negative incentives are less forceful in implementation

q  Speed Limiter limits top speeds despite drivers’ urge for speeding

q  In doing so, it:

o   Increases safety of vehicle, owner, goods carried, people on the road

o   Improves fuel efficiency

q  33 countries currently have speed limiter legislation in place and have successfully implemented Speed Limiter laws to save lives:

o   European Union countries; Kenya; South Africa; UAE; Mauritius; Singapore; United Kingdom; Japan; Australia; Canada; recently adopted by Rwanda and Ghana

o   Typically implemented on Commercial and Heavy Duty Vehicles; with market-based financing with no government expenditure; no burden on citizens and private vehicle owners; thereby no security risk

o   Implemented in the UAE on Private Passenger Buses, Minibuses, Vans, 4x4s (from 9 Passenger capacity) and School Buses and very successful

q  In the UK heavy vehicle accidents have dropped by 26% since speed limiter legislation was enacted in 1992

q  Other positive benefits to Citizens, Vehicle Owners/Operators and Government include:

o   Saves lives and properties of inestimable value

Lower fuel consumption (from 3–11%), 

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