Mr.Ediris Psychic

$$ We supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals +27730211524

Feb 20th 2018, 1:15 pm
Posted by psychichealer1

We supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze, stamped, marked or stained currency. We melt and re-activate frozen chemicals and offer 100% cleaning for bills like dollar, euro, pounds and transferring of colours from used note to new white bills. The SSD solution in its full range is the BEST CHEMICAL on the market for cleaning Anti breeze bank notes, defaced currency, marked notes and the likes. You will be amazed by the power and rapidity of this CHEMICAL. It is capable of cleaning notes currency with BREEZE capacity. We Stock limited SSD Solution for cleaning the ANTI-BREEZE BANK NOTE or the Black Money I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black notes,deface currency, (stained money) bank notes, We have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning all black money or stained money in all currencies around the world such as U.S Dollar, Euro, Pound, and all local currencies, even if your defaced note is 25 years old

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