Bubbie Gunter

A Complete Guide to Understanding Blog Bounce Rate

Feb 15th 2018, 7:21 am
Posted by bubbie

Let's start by being honest for a moment.

     I love writing. I enjoy watching as a piece of content is developed and I know what I am writing will help an individual establish their business.

What I LOATHED was the high-tech aspect of the business.

     My mindset was like, "REALLY!" I had to understand all of this Search Engine Optimization hogwash if I was really going to be a successful blog writer?

     I resembled a feeding a child only wishing to consume (do) what I liked but chose not to eat my veggies. However, I realized if I continued this particular mind set and chose not to study Google **ytics, subsequently just like a child decideding not to eat what was healthy, my blog might unsurprisingly deteriorate and die!

This is the reason that today we go over your blog or websites bounce rate.

    We will begin with exactly what is a "bounce rate". Afterwards, after you have a better awareness of exactly what a bounce rate is and how it impacts your blog, we will cover three methods you can reduce your blog bounce rate and give your readers a pleasurable journey while exploring your site.

What is Bounce Rate

     According to Google, your website (or Blogs) bounce rate is defined as the percent of visitors to your website who navigate away from the site after taking a look at only one web page.

     To puts it simply, using this post as an example, you are actually here visiting this page right now. If you are finish reading this article and leave without having visiting ANOTHER PAGE, my bounce rate is going to raise (consequently damaging my websites search rankings).

    On the other hand, if you find significance while reading this article and check out an additional page on my blog site, my bounce rate lowers thereby boosting its Search Engine Optimization and ultimately improve its ranking.

    Simply put, your bounce rate is simply a way for Google to recognize if individuals are finding worth on the problem they searched for on your page. In the event that your bounce rate remains low, Google awards your site by ranking it higher in the search engine! But, if your bounce rate is to elevated, Google takes note and will lower your overall ranking.

As a rule of thumb, bounce rate percentages look like this:

  • - 25 to 40 percent Bounce Rate-- Outstanding.
  • - 41 to 55 percent-- About Average.
  • - 56 to 70 percent-- Higher than average.
  • - 70 percentage points and Above-- Cause for Panic.
  • Effective Ways To Decrease Bounce Rate

     As you see in the image here, this blog post has an incredibly modest bounce rate of only 5.56 percent! This is OUTSTANDING! And, you will observe the over all bounce rate of all my blog post merged is only 5.05%.

    Friends, it will not any no better in comparison to that! With an industry average of 41-55%, to have a blog post yielding merely a 5.05% bounce rate is simply nothing short of DYNAMIC!

     Having said that, assuming that you examine your Google **ytics and uncover your post is obtaining a higher bounce rate then you would desire, hurry and take care of that! You could be losing money hand over fist. Below is the Magical Formula I utilize to maintain such a low blog bounce rate:


Compose Fascinating Content--
Be sure to address as many of the "W" questions as possible:

  • - The reason why are you publishing the post;
  • - Exactly who the post is for;
  • - What will the reader uncover;
  • - Where they can find more information on the topic;

Link to Other Article You Have Composed--
   When it is relevant, you need to add a link to another blog post you have published. Should you use the Yoast SEO plug-in on your blog, you will notice one aspect it takes into effect internal hyperlinks. The main reason they are offering this advice is it gives the visitor another opportunity to visit another associated page. So be sure to add one where appropriate.

Enhance Your Storytelling--
Everyone enjoys a good tale. In this post for instance, I started my narrative with sharing how getting me to study Search Engine Optimisation was like trying to feed a child veggies they don't like. I really did not want to do it.

Next, I reassure the reader just how easy it was to understand and how effortless it would be for them as well.

And, eventually, the desired response I want from the reader is to execute the lessons shown here today.




Me and Becky
    Bubbie is a Leader Partner in the Largest Lead Generation Platform on the planet.
He is currently a Professor at Branding YOUniversity, where he helps business owners brand themselves on line.

He is the author of five eBooks including "Facebook on Fire: The Five Pillars of Facebook Marketing". And, spent the last five years helping home business owners learn to brand themselves, generate leads, make sales.

Feel Free to Message Bubbie with any questions you may have ...



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