hosting services offers a host of advantages. The server of the company offering web hosting services runs on windows operating system. An elevated compatibility between hardware and software is offered by the windows operating system with the convenience and enhanced security. It also offers interesting features such as development and website improvement. 
Windows is not just the only choice when it comes to website hosting. Users can even make use of UNIX operating system for the purpose of hosting websites. However, what makes windows operating system a popular choice is that it can be really helpful. It offers a lot of advantages in addition to meeting the requirements of web hosting.
There are several advantages of opting for a windows hosting platform. It is your only choice if your website runs on visual basic or .net. People find windows based server familiar. They would not have to learn a new language in order to update or maintain their websites. Windows servers support Dynamically Database Driven Pages and .ASP (Active Server Pages). This support is not offered by .UNIX servers.
Windows server can access and integrate database in a seamless manner. This can also be used for developing windows based applications. Compatibility is offered by windows hosting with platforms such as MySQL and PHP. The periodic updates and support offer an edge to the windows hosting platform. You need to evaluate your requirements and needs as a website owner while opting for hosting services. Windows hosting becomes a pre-requisite when the scripts are being written in advanced ASP.NET or ASP. The latest windows operating system version has managed to become a stable and reliable platform for widows hosting. Whatever the case is, you need to first **yze what your website requires before opting for any kind of hosting.