Timothy Williams

why i gave it up and where i am now

Feb 8th 2016, 9:08 pm
Posted by zerowurm9987

well to start im bi so i thought i'd be cool having both girls and guys tell i found that gay guys only think of three hings sex fashion and how they look. well im not into that stuff much, then with girls all they want to do is talk my ear off and shop shop shop .  well i found i dont like hanging out with most men gay or stright or bi in person and even though i like playing with womens bodys i dont like having sex with men or women , i would much reather sit in my room jerk off and get it out of the way so  can get back to game playing and hanging with my skype friends.  sex is just to much work for me cause im so out of shape i cant do most of it pluse i get winded vary easy so i cant keep up with most women any more . but if i could find a girl that would be with me and be ok with no sex tell i get back in shape then i'd be most happy.

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