Stephanie Arnett

Homemade All Purpose Cleaner

Jan 27th 2016, 7:27 pm
Posted by stoshie88

I started making my own homemade cleaners about a year ago, and I absolutely love them!  Why am I doing this?  Well, first of all it saves A TON OF MONEY!!  Second, it's way better for the environment and my family. After I learned about all the chemicals in household cleaning products, I started on the journey of making my own.  Plus, this homemade cleaner achieves the same results, if not better, than the store-bought kind.

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner:

fun background

Equipment Needed:  1 spray bottle



1/2 Cup Distilled White Vinegar

2 tsp Borax

3 Tbsp Dawn Dish Soap (blue is the best, but any kind will work)

2 Cups Hot Water

4 Tbsp Isopropyl Alcohol

Pour vinegar, Borax, and hot water in a 32 oz. spray bottle. Shake to dissolve, and add the dish soap and alcohol.  Top off the bottle with cool water.

Now that's called Simply Living!!

All Purpose Updated

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