The temperature do the travel into each things. to which law is 300000000 meter per minute. Now each things cannot warm suddenly completely. Because the temperature takes time into atom. and gradually forwards. to which we shall say the travel of temperature. for the proof! A satellite which is
60 seconds away from sun. and their temperature is 3472.22 Centigrade. And Earth temperature is 119 Centigrade. So after divide to each other. 3472.22 / 119 = 29.178 -0.022 = 29.2 minute distance of earth from the sun. there are four pictures below. and in this picture the balls are being warm gradually. not suddenly completely
First matter which is very important for the understand. that sun light how many percent do the warm of planet. while! in the you imagining. the sun light do the warm half of earth in the one time. or If you imagining that Mercury half part which is front of sun is very warm. and behind of this part the Mercury is very cool. then you are wrong thinking. because the temperature do the travel. therefore the 78 percent part of Mercury very warm. and only 22 percent cool the last part of mercury. So temperature takes time for the travel in the each things. to which law is 300000000 meter per minute.