That depend on atmosphere of planet and others important reason is size of planet and third last reason is distance. or a pot to which capacity is ten kg to solid. Now 92 metals can be filled easily in this pot. If each metal weight be 108.6956522 grams. Therefor the earth is big space ball in which were possible of 92 number of metals. totally same like this! the Mercury and Venus are not big space ball than on Earth. from this reason these in both
planets much less the number of metals. the other law of presence of metals. the planets`s temperature. or a far of sun. If the planet surface would be much warm than on inside. So very less number of metals in this planet. like a Mercury! to which outer temperature and the
inside temperature of Mercury likely same. excepting a Central Core. and we shall say here. that from reason of much be warm the Mercury could not made the much metals inside. and the Jupiter is very cool space ball. So there are too many number of metals. Now I am telling
with other style. do the warm some metals into the Bhatti. as all metals will be melt. then other person cannot tell about know of metals. because after melt the all metals are becoming same. now after the cool all metals. make their small piece. So now you can compute the all metals`s number.
Our universe were filled in the begining with countless number of metals. and it is most wonder things. that Iron of Earth is very different from Venus`s and Mercury`s Iron. Although the number of Neutron and Proton are same into all planets. A special metal is exist in the
Uranus. to which normal temperature is 200 Centigrade for ever. or their this temperature is feature of them metals. you cannot bring this metal from there. Because you cannot reach there. and you knows very well about my.