Mike Beaumont

6 More Camping Hacks That Can Lead To Having More Fun

Yesterday, 2:02 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955
We all love camping, but sometimes it can be kinda pricey. Or maybe you just want to cut down on the weight you carry with you. Or maybe you just like to be 'green' and used recyclable items. Whatever your preference, I've got some pretty neat little items here you can try out for yourself. My first list of hacks was HERE!
Here's a little sumpthin to get ya in the mood!!

  1. Homemade Hibachi

    Everyone knows how heavy a cast iron grill can be, or even the so-called portable stoves. But this little gem will have you wondering why you didn't think of this yourself. Well, that's what I'm here for. All you need is some tinfoil, an old coffee can, and a grill screen to go on top of it. Just make even cuts down the side of the coffee can, fold the cut tabs down to about a 45 degree angle, line it with heavy duty foil, fill it with charcoal, and set the grill screen on top. You now have your own portable grill.
    Recycled Homemade Hibachi
  2. Charcoal Carrier and Starter

    I am sure we have all experienced how messy charcoal can be, and hauling around the whole bag is not necessary most of the time. Well, here's a little something to help out with this dilemma. Next time you finish using your eggs, keep the empty cartons, and store your briquets in them. Put one briquette in each egg pocket, and when full, just wrap a rubberband around it to keep them in place. The egg carton acts as a fire starter, and there's nothing to throw away but ash when you're done. Pretty nifty, eh?
    Charcoal Carrier and starter
  3. Bread Tins

    I'm not sure if there's anyone that doesn't love homemade bread, and when you are camping there's nothing better in the morning than a fresh slice of bread to go with your breakfast. But when you're camping, it's hard to pack all that gear in without something getting smashed. So here's where this comes in. Make you bread in some tin cans that you save instead of throwing them out. Just wrap some tinfoil or saran wrap over the top to keep it fresh, and the tin can will keep it from getting smashed. And you can clean them out and reuse them for the next trip.
    Bread Tins
  4. Emergency Fire Starter

    Hold on there halitosis breath, don't throw out those old Altoids cans. They're about to come in handy. Find some old cardboard (that you were probably going to throw away anyways) and cut them into strips equal to the depth of the tin. Roll the cardboard so it looks like a cinnamon roll (well sorta) and stuff it into the tin. Then melt paraffin wax and pour it into the tin until it is almost full, with just a tiny bit of the cardboard sticking up. That will act as the wick to start the tin with. It's handy to have in an emergency.
  5. Milk Jug Lantern

    Don't have a real lantern, or don't like the danger it can present if there are little ones around? Try this. Save an old milk jug (a clean one preferably) and fill it with water. Then just wrap one of those headlamps around the outside of the jug with the light pointing into the jug. The water inside the jug will intensify the light and you now have a lantern. Yay you!
    Milk Jug Lantern
  6. Pill Bottle First Aid Kit

    There's no need to go out and spend a lot of money on emergency kits when you can make each person their own little one. Just ask your friends or family to save their old pill bottles for you. Make sure they take the labels off though. Then gather up the supplies you need like fishing line, a hook or two, bandaids, a small squeeze packet of neosporin, some ibuprofin in saran wrap or foil, or whatever you want to stuff in there. It's small, light weight, and portable.
    Pill Bottle First Aid Kit
So we know we all love camping, but it's all the little things that add up to make a camping trip successful. And that's what the Inner Circle will do for you and your business. There are so many little important things you can get from listening to the huge array of leaders in the inner circle, and they all add up to the larger picture, which is to build a lasting business. You can't just get one piece of the gear and hope to have a successful trip. Without the stove or fire you don't eat. Without light you are blind. I think you get the picture. So get started NOW with the Inner Circle, and start gathering your camping gear so you too can have a successful trip. Just click the **on below to get started.

camping(1), hacks(2), first aid(1), lantern(1), stove(1), hibachi(1)

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