Russell David

Healthy Habits 4 you

Dec 6th 2014, 1:07 pm
Posted by rodavid15


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Major Cause of Intestinal Sickness


Intro: Learn how to decrease your chances of getting intestinal diseases due to not being observant while handling vegetables and re-usable shopping bags. Handling fruits, vegetables, and meats incorrectly can be very dangerous, because the bacteria that kills people are found on many vegetables when they are not properly washed.

shopping bag

Step: 1 Millions of grocery shoppers take huge risks every day,  because they are not aware of the following facts about handling groceries and the  re-usable bags they use to transport their groceries from the store.

Step: 2 Bacteria thrives in re-usable grocery shopping bags. A recent study found bacterial growth in grocery shopping bags of which 12% contained Ecoli.

Step: 3 First let's talk about the greens. You will find bags of greens in your favorite grocery store that have the potential of making you very sick, or they may kill you. When you see a bag that says pre-washed - how do you know that they have actually been pre-washed?
Caution: Hand wash or machine wash your re-usable grocery bags regularly.

Step: 4 Do not carry  raw unbagged vegetables in your grocery bag. The bacteria could transfer to the bag and vegetables.

Step: 5 To avoid further infectious growth;  do not leave the empty bag in a warm car. Bacteria count could rise significantly in two hours.

Collard greens

Step:6 You will find bags of greens in your favorite grocery store that have the potential of making you very sick. They can be infected with viruses or bacteria. Greens that are advertised as being pre-washed could be very dangerous if contaminants were not entirely removed. Do not trust the label that says pre-washed. When it comes to greens you must always leave room for human error. Be aware that others will not pay as close attention to being thorough as you will.

Step: 7 Even if you trust your grocer is it worth taking a chance? Wash them as soon as you can, and wash them thoroughly. Lab tests found unacceptable amounts of chloroform bacteria in 39% of 208 containers of 16 brands. Twenty three percent were unacceptably high in Enterococcus bacteria. The presence of both bacteria indicate poor sanitation and fecal contamination of the packaged greens.
Enterococcus: A bacteria normally present in the intestines.

Step: 8 Cautions about meat also apply to taking care with a grocery shopping bag. Most grocery stores provide plastic bags to put raw vegetables in. These same bags can be used to put meat in before you place either the vegetables or the meat in your shopping bag.

Tip: Be aware of where the packaged greens are kept. If it is in a well lighted area they are in better condition than if they were kept in a less lighted area. Reason: Store lighting mimics sun light closely enough to cause photosynthesis which increases levels of vitamin C, E, K, and folate - particularly in Spinach.
WARNING: Always check the "use by date" to determine whether or not you should use those greens. Pick the longest time that is available.

WARNING: Grocery store shopping carts are havens for bacteria, germs  and viruses. All kinds of hands come into contact with them, including little germ y hands from children. Use your sanitary wipes each time you use a cart.

Stay well,

Dr. Russ

sickness(4), disease(2), bacteria(3), infection(2), diseases(2), vegetables(2)

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