Mike Beaumont

2 Mind-**ing Tools For Building Ads

Yesterday, 5:50 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955
Have you ever wanted to post multiple ads for your business or opportunity, or even an upcoming event, and had a brain fart and been unable to come up good copyright? Sometimes its hard to come with one good one let alone multiple ads. This solves that problem and cuts the time down tremendously. Or if you're like me and have a hard time spelling sometimes, this takes all the guesswork out of the equation. Just put in your link, click the generate code **on, and wallah! You'd have a better chance at winning the lottery twice than generating duplicate ads with the Niche Ad Generator. And it comes with an html coding section so you don't need to know html coding either.
  1. The Niche Ad Generator

    This tool will turn you into an ad writing phenom. No matter what you are promoting, this little gem will help you get it done faster and more efficiently. All you need is your promotion link. Just insert the link into the code generator, select which category you want to promote, hit clear a couple of times to clear the memory, and then hit generate code. It's that simple. And if you need to have the html version of the ad, for say Craigslist, all you have to do is copy to clipboard and paste it into the conversion tool that comes with the Niche Ad Generator and it will convert it into html code without you having to know a single thing about it.

    Click Here to Learn More About The Niche Ad Generator
    2 Mind-**ing Tools For Building Ads
  2. WYSIWYG Editor

    HTML coding is like a foreign language to a lot of people, and it scares them into not wanting to put up ads because some places you almost have to have some knowledge of html. But this slick little tool takes all the guesswork and fear out of having to do that. Used along with the Niche Ad Generator, you can crank out 3 or 4 ads in the time it takes most people to put up one. Just copy the text that is generated from the Niche Ad Generator and paste it into the WYSIWYG Editor and click on the html **on and presto, you have a full html version of the ad you just created, with your links inside. You can even use it create images that are hyperlinked. How cool is that?!

    Click Here to Learn More About WYSIWYG Editor
    2 Mind-**ing Tools For Building Ads
One of the main ways to promote your blog is to post it out to other sites, such as Craigslist, My World Connect, and a huge laundry list of other such sites. But you don't want to say "Hey, buy my stuff" or "Join My Team" to a possible new lead. You want to build trust with your leads, and what better way to do that then to give them some valuable content for them to read. The Niche Ad Generator is just one of the many tools available for use, so join me now to find out more.

niche(2), ad(2), generator(2), uois(9), university(2), internet(18)

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