Jacob Edward

Best Foods For Your Colon Health

Jun 18th 2014, 2:08 am
Posted by jacobedward02

Colon is the most essential part of the human body. A clean colon can help to prevent illnesses like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and colon cancer. A disturbing colon can lead to the discomforts of bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue and gas.  A balanced diet and proper nutrition help you to keep the colon clean. There are several colon supplement for cleansing that you can find online or at your local store.  
A healthy colon requires- Soluble dietary fiber, Insoluble dietary fiber, Probiotics, Acidophilus, Green food and be relaxed. A clean colon is the way for good health. The best way to keep colon clean is avoid smoking, switch from beef to buffalo meat, reduce coffee and other caffeine drinks. Change your unhealthy lifestyle and make your colon happy.

Here Are Some Foods For Your Colon Health:

•Yogurt: Add yogurt to your daily diet, it has probiotic bacteria which balances your resident flora. Yogurt is good source for easily absorbable calcium and vitamin D. Yogurt also increases your bowel movement, and those that are fortified with extra fiber are especially notable for promoting fast waste elimination. Yogurt is a good combination of calcium and vitamin D which is very important for intestinal health. Other dairy product like milk also appears to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

•Fish: Fish is a good source of Omega-3 & Omega-6 fatty acids. These acids reduce risk of developing colon cancer. Inflammation is most common cause of an irritable stomach. Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties that help you to clean your colon. Tuna has enough amount of selenium, so adding tuna in your diet is good for your colon health. Selenium helps detoxification of your system.

•Fiber: For plenty of fiber eat vegetables and fruits. Fiber prevents from inflammation and act as antioxidants. Your colon needs about 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day to be healthy. Eat 25 to 35 grams daily fiber rich food like raspberries, bananas, prunes, peas, broccoli, beans, celery. Fiber decreases your risk for diverticular disease and cleans your colon.

•Water:  Water removes waste from your body through perspiration, urination, and defecation. Insufficient amount of water causes constipation and toxicity in the bowel and kidneys. A study suggests that increased amount of water such as eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. It makes your hydration level good and cleanses your body.

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