Feedermatrix has 8 levels that you may participate in. You start from level 1 by paying $1.75 to your direct upline. Once your payment is confirmed you are ready to receive your money! But you can promote your referral link and receive spillover and spillunder from your upline and downline members beign a free ( with le Here is our payplan:Your 1st tier referrals pay you $1.75 each (totaling $7) Your 2nd tier referrals pay you $5 each (totaling $80)Your 3rd tier referrals pay you $10 each (totaling $640)Your 4th tier referrals pay you $20 each (totaling $5120)Stage 2. Your 1st tier referrals pay you $40 each (totaling $160)Your 2nd tier referrals pay you $80 each (totaling $1280)Your 3rd tier referrals pay you $160 each (totaling $10240)r 4th tier referrals pay you $320 each (totaling $81920)http://www.feedermatrix.com/?ref=brahim09Total Earnings Paid: $99447