Sikander aqeel


Today, 12:40 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

It is very simple thought That sun  was very big million years ago. When the spent the energy continuous. then from sun size has been smallest. So which is size of sun today.  That is equal of suitability life at the Earth. As sun size will be more smallest.Then the life will be finished at from Earth. Perhaps you should agree from this fact. Which question I am going to solve today. That question belongs with life at Jupiter. 
What the life was present at Jupiter or was not. It is easy way to the understand it. That the living-thing numbers are not few at Earth. Like kinds of sea living-thing. and numbers. and after this the living-thing of dry land numbers and types. Numbers of birds in the air and types. If be gather of these all types. Then 
becomes a very big numbers. to Which is mean. at from a special  distance of sun. Living-things are automatically born. Now because the sun is happening small continuous. The life being born turn by turn at each planet. If the less numbers of living-things at earth. Then we can speak, that the Earth is special 
planet in the solar system. Actually life mean is one Photon Which happen born in great temperature. and after also cold photons motion are not finished. or when a photon out from sun. and after a special distance the photons are transfer into life bacteria.  to which details I shall tell later. and it special distance 
is S1 or distance between earth and sun 1752 seconds. From like this which distance of sun belongs with earth.  That they were belong with Jupiter too. and life was present at Jupiter too. About life at planet I have been shaped a law.  And through this law we shall know the distance of Jupiter  When the life was present at Jupiter 
First basic Law  ''R1'' The sun diameter 4833.26 days-kilometres. Second basic Law ''S1'' the distance 1752 seconds between earth and dun. and it law is fix at our earh even  today. Jupiter Diameter Code ‘‘R 11.88’’ and Distance Code ‘‘S 11.88’’  
When the life was present at Jupiter. Then sun diameter was ''R 11.88'' and sun distance was ''S 11.88'' Now sun diameter to know we shall make the radius of ''R1'' So ''R1 value is 4833.26 days kilometres. then 4833.26 / 6 = 805.55 Now it is radius of ''R1'' .Now we shall make the diameter of sun. when the life was 
present at Jupiter. So 805.55 x ‘‘R 11.88’’ = 9569.934 days-kilometers radius was of sun.  Now to the diameter 9569.934 x 6 = 57419.604 days kilometers diameter of sun. when the life was present at Jupiter. and sun size is 13 percent big. from orbit of Jupiter today. Perhaps the Mercury Venus, and Earth was not present in solar system in past. when the sun size was 13 percent big. 
When the life was present at Jupiter then sun distance was ''S 11.88 to the Jupiter. ( very carefully it ''S 11.88'' is the value of distance ) and life is depend on 1752 seconds distance. and Jupiter present distance  is 20820 light seconds. So when we shall divide of his with ''S 11.88'' Then we shall be reached at past. as the life distance was present. So 20820 / ''S 11.88'' = 1753.52 Life distance. 
Jupiter  present temperature is 10 'C and earth outer temperature is 119 'C . and earth temperature able to life. Now when we shall multiply ''S 11.88 with present temperature of Jupiter then we shall reached in past. when  the life temperature was present. So 10 X ''R 11.88'' = 118.4 and it was past temperature of Jupiter. as life was present. and Earth was very hot that time. Because 119 x ''S 11.88'' = 1413.72 `C, when Earth temperature was warm. If the Earth was exist in the solar system. 

water light for ever(1036)

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