Scott Johnson

How does your digital finger print look?

Sep 27th 2013, 8:24 pm
Posted by scottjohnson

This is another article that I had read on LIFE Member Steve Morgans page I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Thank you, Scott Johnson
How does your digital finger print look?

Posted: May 15, 2013 in LIFE BusinessUncategorized 
Tags: Aron RadosaBill Lewis Team LIFEChris Brady Team LIFEholger spiewakjon-groves.netkirk birtlesOrrin Woodward LIFE

In todays world of internet traffic and social media profiles, I often wonder if people know that they are leaving finger prints all over.  What I mean by that is, everything online is there forever.  It may seem funny in the moment but in 10 yrs will it still be funny?  Many times today if you want to figure out who someone really is, just visit their personal page online and read what they have been saying.  Even bold comments on media pages can never be taken away.  They will hang there forever.  You can either make a good fingerprint of yourself online or a bad one.  Its your choice.
Sometimes as I look back on my life I think that in the moment when I said something, it was funny, but years later I regret it.  We have never lived in a time where this much info per person is being do**ented, good and bad.  When I read certain peoples stuff I am reminded of the old song “True Colors.” Im not sure if that is the actual name of the song but it goes,  ” I see your true colors shining through.”  It always makes me laugh when I think of that song.   I hope that we don’t go too far and wish years down the road that we would have kept a little more for the imagination for people.  I also remember the old saying, “Better to be thought a fool than to speak up and prove them right.”
I heard a gentleman talk about a principle he called “memorialize.”  He went on to explain that it meant, anything that could come back and haunt you later on.  For example, an email, text, or photo.  I am careful that when I am speaking to tell people not to video record or voice record.  Technology is so good today that they could put pieces together and make it sound like you said something that you didn’t.
700-86706 © Boden/Ledingham Circuit Fingerprint with Binary CodeI hope this brings a little thought about what people are doing and saying online, it could come back to haunt you.
thanks for reading,
Steve Morgan

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