
The joys of Instant Payday Network

Aug 28th 2013, 10:00 am
Posted by omega1

I am going to spill the beans and give you all the information
that you need to make an informed decision on whether or not you should join Instant
Payday Network. (waits for applause)


A little bit about me:


I'm a photography and digital cinematography student. Now
studies and equipment for those two can get very expensive. Before that I came
from a manufacturing background. Working 18-12 hour days and 40+ more hours a
week. Yeah the money was great but I spent most of my time sleeping if I wasn't



Now I had tried an online money making scam once before when
I was 18. Lost 50 bucks just for signing up. I was young and naive then. Never
tried another one until a friend of mine told me about Instant Payday network
back in March. Of course I didn't believe her but after two weeks of
researching I gave it a shot. And I'm glad I did.




I will be the first to tell you that it is not quite as easy
as Jeff Buchanan makes it out to be but everything he mentions about the
company is honest and true.



Instant Payday Network Review: What Is Instant Payday



Instant Payday Network is a complete marketing system that
deals with the Incentivized Freebie Network, My Cash Rewards.



Incentivized Freebies are getting paid when you refer people
to complete trial offers for products offered by many of the Fortune 500



These offers include companies such as Direct TV, Netflix,, Credit Card Companies, Credit Monitoring Companies, Kitchen
Products, etc.



Normally the offers are free to try but some do charge a
small free to cover shipping and handling.



There are a few easy steps to the Instant Payday Network system:

Step 1: Sign up and complete an offer at Express My Cash Freebies, the goal here is to get 1 credit, each trial offer has a different credit value, some as low as 15% and others as high as 1 full credit, most are 50%. 

Step 2: Sign up and complete an offer at Double My Cash Freebies. the goal here is the same, to get 1 full credit, Double has more available trial offers to chose from than Express. 

Step 3: After you have completed Steps 1 and Steps 2, you will receive access to the back-office for Instant Payday Network where you can begin marketing the system to others and start to earn commissions yourself.

Step 4: Now the last step is optional, but it involves joining the Empower Network, the Empower Network is a viral blogging system. I have prepared a over-view of all the details of the Empower Network on a separate post. I highly recommend joining the Empower Network and the affiliate program but if you are just getting started and money is tight I recommend that you get some money coming in from Instant Payday Network first to cover the cost of Empower Network which is $25 a month for the viral blogging system and then $19.95 a month for the affiliate program. Now myself I have not tried this Empower Network, I do hear good things about this but I'd rather spend no money to make money and stick with IPN.

Once you have completed Express and Double My Cash Freebies you can start referring others to do the same and complete trial offers, you must complete the sites yourself first to be able to get paid to refer others. Express My Cash Freebies pays you $20 every-time you refer someone and they complete the 1 credit requirement, Double My Cash Freebies pays you $30.

In Step 3: You receive a complete marketing system including a back-office which has features such as a quick start guide, auto-responder series, training videos, done for you squeeze pages, sample marketing templates, stats tracking, and so much more.



 You receive a complete marketing system including a back-office which has features such as quick start guide, auto-responder series, training videos, done for you squeeze pages, sample marketing templates, stats tracking, and so much more.



Now the last step is optional, but it involves joining the Empower
Network, the Empower Network is a viral blogging system. I have prepared a
over-view of all the details of the Empower Network on a separate post. I
highly recommend joining the Empower Network and the affiliate program but if
you are just getting started and money is tight I recommend that you get some
money coming in from Instant Payday Network first to cover the cost of Empower
Network which is $25 a month for the viral blogging system and then $19.95 a
month for the affiliate program. Now myself I have not tried this Empower Network, I do hear good things about this but I'd rather spend no money to make money and stick with IPN.



Once you have completed Express and Double My Cash Freebies
you can start referring others to do the same and complete trial offers, you
must complete the sites yourself first to be able to get paid to refer others.
Express My Cash Freebies pays your $20 every-time you refer someone and they
complete the 1 credit requirement, Double My Cash Freebies pays you $30.



 Instant Payday Network Review: Is it Really Free?



You're daaaamn right it's free.



The only costs that you will occur from Instant Payday
Network is the cost of the trial offers that you complete on Express and Double
My Cash Freebies...that is IF you choose to purchase any. You are not obligated to do so.



There are 100% Free offers on the sites including signing up
for Credit Monitoring, Credit Cards (must apply and be approved) and Payday
Loans (Must apply and be approved).



While the credit cards and loan offers are free, you must
also either get a new credit card or a loan, not something I wanted to deal
with, so I chose Surfsafe, free credit score and Gamefly. Now I chose the
gamefly because I am a gamer so might as well try, and that only cost me
$6.00....that's ALL!



I recommend printing the Terms of Service for each offer and
reading all the fine print before signing up to any trial offer. Also write
down the customer service phone number so you will have it when you need to
call and cancel.



The key to these trial offers is to try the product, if you
like it, keep it and continue to pay the monthly fee, if you do not like it
cancel it before the trial end date so that you will not be charged any
further, but keep it long enough into the trial that it looks like you actually
tried and used it, if you cancel too soon in the trial the company may revoke
your credit and you will have to do another trial offer to get the credit back.



Instant Payday Network Review: Pros and Cons



Instant Payday Network is unlike a lot of marketing systems
out there in that it is really easy to learn and implement right away. There is
no search engine optimization, building websites, link building or any of the
normal marketing techniques that are used in most of the systems on the market



You get 100% of the commission and there is no sharing
commissions with your upline/downline. When you join the person who referred
you get a commission on your work one time and after that you get all the
commissions on the people that you refer. What you see above are my leads emailed right to me, quite a few of them.



You will be placing ads on classified ad sites such as
Craigslist, bulletin board sites, forums and pretty much anywhere you can get
your ad on. These sites already get a ton of traffic and getting you ad
in-front of thousands of people is actually quite easy.



The only con that I have found with Instant Payday Network
is posting the link to your capture page on Craigslist can be difficult if you
do not know what you are doing. Craigslist and other classified ad sites do not
like you posting links that take visitors away from their site. Craigslist will
either flag/delete your ad or ghost it, meaning it appears that your ad is live
but it never shows up in the search results and will never be seen by any
potential referrals. There are ways around this that I will be covering in
another post.



Instant Payday Network Review: Conclusion and Final Thought



In conclusion, I can honestly say that Instant Payday
Network IS a legitimate way to make a steady stream of income each month with a
little effort and work on your part. You will need to put the time in to post
ads on the Internet, I have been doing this for a few weeks now and I average about
3-5 hours a day working on my Instant Payday Network Campaigns and am averaging
2-3 sign ups a day, which comes out to $100-$150 a day or $50 -$75 dollars an
hour, but it did take me about a week before I got my first referral. Since I
was new to marketing I had much to learn and I have learned plenty of new
skills because of this program as well. 



The Goal is to get people signed up to your auto-responder
so that they can start to receive email messages about the program, normally
people need to see the program and all the good things about it a few times
before they decide to sign up.



I really did not know everything that I needed to do at
first but after a week or so of posting ads and marketing my referral links
everyday it has become much easier and takes about a third of the time that it
did when I started.


I recommend that you give Instant Payday Network a shot, I
feel that you will be surprised at how easy it really is and how much you can
actually make, I am making between $100-$150 a day now in just under a month
and to me $2,000-$4,500 a month is freaking AWESOME and better than I have done
with any other single program in the past. Now if you  are interested and would like to sign up under me copy and paste the picture below. Good luck and talk to you soon!

make money online(37), work from home(76), online advertising(1), online income(6), seo(40), cpc(1)

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