Terrence Redix

The Power of Thought:

Aug 22nd 2013, 8:56 am
Posted by tred2013


 We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Most if not all of us were raised to believe that everything comes from the outside and only what we can see, feel, touch, smell is real. So we grow up envying, being jealous of, feeling intimidated by, wishing we were, hating, other people, wishing we had what they have, or being them.  When, in reality, as far as I've been able to discover, the opposite is true. We all are bits and pieces of the the Creator, manifested in the flesh. Life,or our world, that each of us indiviually live in is created within.  If we think it's a beautiful day, we are blessed, successful, wealthy, healthy, loved and appreciated we are. On the other hand if we feel like a victim and the whole world is against us, that is usually what we see and feel.  God, the Universe, nature, the higher self, Source Energy, whatever name you give to the Creator, always answers our prayers and gives us what we ask for.  Beyond words, the Universe is responding to our vibrations, and not necessarily our words or what we verbalize.  It doesn't care if it's real or just a figment of our imagination, we are what we think. So if thoughts are things, and thoughts create. I'm going to think the most powerful thoughts. I'm feeling blessed, grateful, thankful, and I love and appreciate all that is.  I'm a loving, compassionate being, and I see a reflection of the creator in everyone and everything. I realize I'm the one making the choice of how I live my life. It doesn't matter if you're here looking for success with business or a loving relationship, I wish you success.   I'm choosing happiness, and I realize I'm the captain of my life. Be blessed.  Sending love and light to all beings on the planet, Earth. Have a great day!  Peace n <3

positive vibration(1), success(1), thoughts manifest(1), loving energy(1)

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