Mike Beaumont

From Freedom To Slave…

Jul 15th 2013, 7:23 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Free Is Just An Illusion

There are many people today that have the illusion that free healthcare is going to be the answer to their prayers. How funny. What's even funnier is how many people were duped into thinking it was really gonna be 'free' in the first place.   

But then again, you can't have a battle of wits with the witless. I had a relative that shall remain nameless that asked if she could go to the voting polls with me when it was time for our district to vote, and for a short minute I thought she was actually starting to act somewhat responsible for once.

That allusion quickly faded away when she told me she had no clue who some of the people she voted for were. So she just voted a straight party ticket vote. What lunacy. But so goes it for many Americans, and I dare say that I use that term loosely. People used to take pride in what they did, what they stood for, and the country they lived in. It's a shame that it takes a national crisis for the citizens of this country to come together and show some semblance of national pride.

But you can turn on the news anytime during the day and watch any news channel, and all your hear is negative BS, someone ripped someone off, someone got shot, thousands of dollars in drugs were recovered, and on and on. So you want 'FREE'. I want to stop paying taxes too. But if I did that then that would mean one of you 'FREE' mongers would not be able to eat or buy your cigarettes or beer that day.

You want 'FREE', then get rid of your cable tv, your cigarettes, your beer, your fancy car, your hair extensions, your parlor nails, and free your ** from the sofa and get a damn job. Take your pride back, and stop letting the government enslave you with this so-called 'free' crap. Spend time with your kids instead of letting them sit all day in front of the computer or X-box playing video games. My friend CardiganJim posted a blog recently  and I want you to go read it and leave him some love by commenting on his blog.  It can be seen below...

I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the coming implementation of the health care bill. I could not finish my breakfast. This is what ensued: They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard a young man exclaim, “Isn’t Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, after all, he is healing the sick.” A young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, “Yeah, and he does it for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market wouldn’t work for health care.” Another said, “The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he did for those of us less fortunate.” At this, I had more than enough. I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached their table. “Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?” They smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table, smiled as best I could and began an experiment. ”I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I will pay all of the expenses and taxes (cont.)

free healthcareSo give yourself a good look in the mirror and ask yourself if you have done everything you can to show pride in yourself and your country, and maybe we can take back a little bit of control in this country. Love To All, Mike

freedom(7), slave(2), pride(1), country(1), free healthcare(1)

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