First operation of Tea maker machine.
So brush and brush shaft was second part of first operation of tea making machine. in which washing chips and two motor pulley one belt are new add to the wash system. So first operation complete later. the kettle will
come back at own fire place. but one matter is very important about motor of this machine. that motor will continuous run. for the future tea happens not ready. but pulley only one run. to which you will click on computer.
because any process when you click on computer. the chips of process will begin own work. or own process. and it is possible, too. So the motor would be ordinary in this machine. the pulley would be only special. to which about I tell at the last.
And Second Image.
In which the kettle is turn over and a brush has showed. So you are seeing some gray hair of brush In which some are white holes to be delete water. and this water will wash the kettle from inside. I think you would be understand about washing system.