Sikander aqeel


Jun 17th 2013, 11:57 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Yearly, Monthly and Daily Time Atomic Theory! 

Monthly Time Atomic Theory, Here we shall use the 28 hours for solve the Time atomic theory. and you will see that as earth axis rotation was 28 hours the sk-bond number had completed. and amount of Neutron and Proton completed later, as earth rotation was 24 hours. or sk-bond was first completed and after the all mass unit of metal. 


Law of broken month now we are going into the past through the thirty days of month, four week of month, and seven day of week. And one day of 28 hours with 60 minute. 


The long days of Earth So today the earth days are 365 / 30 days = 12.16666667 / 4 week = 3.041666667 / 7 day of week = 0.434523809 x 28 hours x 60 minute = 730 days of past of earth, So we are doing use 28 hours, therefore the year has been doubled, such as 730 / 2 = 365. And in the period of 730 days the metals were not complete. 



The Cesium mass unit is 133 / 30 days / 4 week / 7 day of week = 0.15833333333333333333333333333333 x 28 hours of future x 60 minute = 266 / 10 month = 26.6 Sk-Bond of Cesium, So the Cesium was not completed nearly three billion years ago. Except a Sk-Bond number, 



The Cesium mass unit is 133 / 30 days / 4 week / 7 day of week = 0.15833333333333333333333333333333 x 28 hours of future x 60 minute = 266 / 5 photon of Proton = 53.2 + 1.8 Cross-Tron = 55 proton of Cesium or Atomic number of Cesium.  



The Cesium mass unit is 133 / 30 days / 4 week / 7 day of week = 0.15833333333333333333333333333333 x 28 hours of future x 60 minute = 266 / 3.333333333 Code = 79.80000000798000000079800000008 - 1.8 Cross-Tron = 78 Neutron of Cesium. So it will be called the pure Monthly Time Atomic Theory, which contains on one month, where we can use only time of past. 



It is simpler Time atomic Theory. Which contains on 24-hours of day, because the Time and metals belongs from daily affect. 


Law of Daily Time Atomic Theory: (1) 60 minute of hour is divide value of the atom. (2) 24 hours are value of multiply of the atom. (3) 1.5 is a Master Code of each atom.  



So Cesium mass unit is 133 / 60 minute of hours = 2.2166666666666666666666666666667 x 24 Hours of daily = 53.2 + 1.8 Cross-Tron = 55 Atomic number of the Cesium.  



For Number of Neutron, So Cesium mass unit is 133 / 60 minute of hours = 2.2166666666666666666666666666667 x 24 Hours of daily = 53.2 x 1.5 Code = 79.8 - 1.8 Cross-Tron = 78 Neutron of the Cesium. 


The day always contains on 24 hours and 60 minute, and therefore this atomic theory will be called the Daily Time Atomic Theory, and all theories are very important for understand the Genetic Atomic Theory, which I shall start some years later. For becoming you a super-human or advanced human, 



This Time Atomic theory is some hard. But I am doing try to do solve its. So time is a process, which does not forget itself. The time always remains continue. Because the time is happening spend in the shape of energy. Therefore time always remains continue. 


Law to the Yearly Atomic theory here we have 12 months of one year. And 24 hours of day with 4 Photon of Neutron, and 1.25 Hydrogen mass units is a Code for Proton of atom. 



So Cesium mass unit is 133 / 12 month = 11.083333333333333333333333333333 / 4 Photon = 2.7708333333333333333333333333333 x 24 hours = 66.5 / 1.25 H = 53.2 + 1.8 Cross-Tron = 55 Atomic number of the Cesium. 


Law for Neutron! Here we have 12 months of one year, and 24 hours of day with 5 Photon of Proton, and 1.5 is a Code for Neutron of atom. 



So Cesium mass unit is 133 / 12 month = 11.083333333333333333333333333333 / 5 Photon = 2.2166666666666666666666666666667 x 24 hours = 53.2 x 1.5 Code = 79.8 - 1.8 Cross-Tron = 78 Neutron of the Cesium. So it will be called the yearly Time Atomic theory, which is containing on one year. 



So Earth days are 365 / 12 months = 30.41666667 / 4 Photon of Neutron = 7.604166667 x 24 = 182.5 days of half year. 



So Earth days are 365 / 12 months = 30.41666667 / 5 Photon of Proton = 6.083333333 x 24 = 146 is a Code of speed, which is contain on two Hydrogen. So 146 x 2.5 = 365 day of Earth and Hydrogen is basic atom into the Solar-system. 


Actually we are going toward the Genetic-Atomic theory slowly. Where we shall create a new system to the body, now since the body is a costly thing, therefore this chapter will take many years and we walking slow, and slow walking is better than fast run.  



Today If your age is 49 year and today date is 17-June and it is sixth month of year, then today your Birth metal is Neodymium-144, 


Through the Math, 49 age + 17-June date of birth + 6th month = 72 / 12 month = 6 / 5 Photon of Proton = 1.2 x 24 hours = 28.8 Sk-Bond number So this day Sk-Bond number 28.8 will keep safe you from all bad events That this day your Birth metal is Neodymium, because five Sk-bond are equal to a mass-unit So 28.8 x 5 = Neodymium-144 mass unit, 


Law of Birth metal, {age + date of Birth + month} = total data, and one year is contain on 12 month, and five photon are into the one Proton, then Total Data = 12/5 and 24 hours are axis rotation of earth, then 12/5=2.4x24=57.6 Sk bond. and 5 photon makes mass unit, then 57.6 x 5 = 288. So Total data = 288 mass unit,



If your age is 74 year today and today date is 17-June and it is sixth month of year, then today your Birth metal is Platinum-194, 


Through the Math 74 age + 17-June date of birth + 6th month = 97 / 12 month = 8.0833333333333333333333333333333 / 5 Photon of Proton = 1.6166666666666666666666666666667 x 24 hours = 38.8 Sk-Bond number So this day Sk-Bond number 38.8 will keep safe you from all bad events, That this day your Birth metal is Platinum because five Sk-bond are equal to a mass-unit, So 38.8 x 5 = Platinum-194 mass unit, 


Law of Birth metal, {age + date of Birth + month} = total data. And one year is contain on 12 month. And five photon are into the one Proton then Total Data = 12/5. And 24 hours are axis rotation of earth. Then 12/5=2.4x24=57.6 Sk bond. And photon 5 makes mass unit. Then 57.6 x 5 = 288 So Total data = 288 mass unit. 



If your age is 92 year today and today date is 17-June and it is sixth month of year then today your Birth metal is Protactinium-230. 


Through the Math 92 age + 17-June date of birth + 6th month = 115 / 12 month = 9.5833333333333333333333333333333 / 5 Photon of Proton = 1.9166666666666666666666666666667 x 24 hours = 46 Sk-Bond number. So this day Sk-Bond number 46 will keep safe you from all bad events. That this day your Birth metal is Protactinium, because five Sk-bond are equal to a mass-unit, so 46 x 5 = Protactinium-230 mass unit, 



And what are the metals, that age and metals are jointed with each other, and these both are jointed with earth. Now earth outer equator is 38158.56 km, and human last age is 104.544 year for minimum people, or for six per-cent people, and 90 ages is 27 per-cent people, and 60 to 70 ages for 76 per-cent people. 



Logic of age is containing on speed of age and equator of planet, if planet equator is small then age will also short, but if planet equator is large then age will be also long. From this reason I like to live on Jupiter. 



You born in any one country and your age started walk on the outer equator of earth, 

1, age speed is 1.536 km per day. 

2, Travel of age for one year = 560.64 km 

3, the earth outer equator is 38158.56 km

Then 365 days x 1.536 km = 560.64 km per year travel of age, now earth outer equator is     

38158.56 km / 560.64 km per year travel = 68.0625 year total age of mostly people. Or average of age in these days. So we shall write a theory of age, that outer equator of planet = age, what would be age of human on Jupiter, that Jupiter is 12 times large planet than the earth, therefore 68.0625 year age by circle of earth, 68.0625 x 12 = 816.75 year average age of human on Jupiter, It is my little advice to you; you should leave this planet quickly  



About age 85 / 6r = 14.166666666666666666666666666667 x 24 = 340 x 0.008 = 2.72 x 10cm = 27.2. New energy Law is (E = m + m x C1) then m27.2 + m27.2 = 54.4 x 300000000 = 16320000000 x 0.008 = 130560000 / 1000000 light measure = 130.56 / 1.536 km per day speed of age = 85 total age of Human. 


Speed of Age, 

Basic fault of less age is speed of age, which built the cells of body, or 560.64 km speed of age is too much, if we do less speed of age then age will be increased, such 56.64 km speed of age per day, then Earth equator 38158.56 km / 56.64 km = 673.70 year age from less speed, now how it would be possible, that it is main point of this subject,     


Bee (Queen) takes five year to expire, now what is the speed of age of Bee (Queen) that Bee (Queen) total life is 5 year, then 560.64 km / 5 year = 112.128 km of one year of Bee Queen, now 112.128 km / 365 = 0.3072 km per day speed of age of Bee (queen), only 5 times speed of age is less of Bee (Queen), because 0.3072 * 5 = 1.536 km per day speed of age of human, (because human one year of age is 560.64 km / 365 = 1.536 km per day speed of age of human) So it was only a sample of easy math of speed of age, and here we shall invent a real less speed of age which would be ratio of weight of human, today if your age is 92 years , happening bore you from own old age, that I am doing full try to bring back your age, although it is very difficult, but to do the try is also not sin,  



sikander aqeel(70)

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