Sikander aqeel


Jun 15th 2013, 11:28 am
Posted by aqeelsika1

Neutron Size of Uranium-238: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.12605042 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-238. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 238-Uranium = 13.462184873949579831932773109244 / 0.12605042 = 106.80000014240000018986666691982 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.12605042 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-238. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.12605042 / 60 minute = Uranium-238. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-228: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.131578947 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-228. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 228-Uranium = 14.052631578947368421052631578947 / 0.131578947 = 106.80000029904000083731200234447 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.131578947 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-228. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.131578947 / 60 minute = Uranium-228. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-229: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.131004366 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-229. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 229-Uranium = 13.991266375545851528384279475983 / 0.131004366 = 106.80000066216000410539202545343 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.131004366 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-229. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.131004366 / 60 minute = Uranium-229. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-230: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.130434782 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-230. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 230-Uranium = 13.930434782608695652173913043478 / 0.130434782 = 106.80000049840000232586667752071 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.130434782 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-230. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.130434782 / 60 minute = Uranium-230. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-231: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.129870129 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-231. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 231-Uranium = 13.87012987012987012987012987013 / 0.129870129 = 106.80000071556000479425203212149 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.129870129 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-231. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.129870129 / 60 minute = Uranium-231. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-232: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.129310344 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-232. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 232-Uranium = 13.810344827586206896551724137931 / 0.129310344 = 106.80000068352000437452802799698 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.129310344 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-232. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.129310344 / 60 minute = Uranium-232. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-233: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.128755364 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-233. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 233-Uranium = 13.75107296137339055793991416309 / 0.128755364 = 106.80000066928000419415469295004 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.128755364 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-233. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.128755364 / 60 minute = Uranium-233. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-234: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.128205128 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-234. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 234-Uranium = 13.692307692307692307692307692308 / 0.128205128 = 106.80000017088000027340800043745 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.128205128 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-234. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.128205128 / 60 minute = Uranium-234. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-235: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.127659574 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-235. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 235-Uranium = 13.634042553191489361702127659574 / 0.127659574 = 106.80000039160000143586667193151 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium, so 0.127659574 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-235. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.127659574 / 60 minute = Uranium-235. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-236: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.127118644 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-236. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 236-Uranium = 13.576271186440677966101694915254 / 0.127118644 = 106.80000005696000003037866668287 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.127118644 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-236. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.127118644 / 60 minute = Uranium-236. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-237: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.126582278 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-237. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 237-Uranium = 13.51898734177215189873417721519 / 0.126582278 = 106.80000040584000154219200586033 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.126582278 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-237. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.126582278 / 60 minute = Uranium-237. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-239: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.125523012 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-239. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 239-Uranium = 13.405857740585774058577405857741 / 0.125523012 = 106.80000046992000206764800909765 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.125523012 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-239. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.125523012 / 60 minute = Uranium-239. 


Neutron Size of Uranium-240: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.125 is a size of one Neutron of Uranium-240. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 240-Uranium = 13.35 / 0.125 = 106.8 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.125 is a size of Neutron of Uranium-240. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.125 / 60 minute = Uranium-240. 


Neutron Size of Neptunium-237: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.126582278 is a size of one Neutron of Neptunium-237. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 237-Neptunium = 13.51898734177215189873417721519 / 0.126582278 = 106.80000040584000154219200586033 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.126582278 is a size of Neutron of Neptunium-237. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.126582278 / 60 minute = Neptunium-237. 


Neutron Size of Plutonium-244: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.122950819 is a size of one Neutron of Plutonium-244. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 244-Plutonium = 13.131147540983606557377049180328 / 0.122950819 = 106.8000005838400031916586841144 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.122950819 is a size of Neutron of Plutonium-244. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.122950819 / 60 minute = Plutonium-244. 


Neutron Size of Americium-243: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.12345679 is a size of one Neutron of Americium-243. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 243-Americium = 13.185185185185185185185185185185 / 0.12345679 = 106.8000001068000001068000001068 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.12345679 is a size of Neutron of Americium-243. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.12345679 / 60 minute = Americium-243. 


Neutron Size of Curium-247: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.121457489 is a size of one Neutron of Curium-247. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 247-Curium = 12.971659919028340080971659919028 / 0.121457489 = 106.80000077252000558789470708577 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.121457489 is a size of Neutron of Curium-247. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.121457489 / 60 minute = Curium-247. 


Neutron Size of Berkelium-247: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.121457489 is a size of one Neutron of Berkelium-247. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 247-Berkelium = 12.971659919028340080971659919028 / 0.121457489 = 106.80000077252000558789470708577 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.121457489 is a size of Neutron of Berkelium-247. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.121457489 / 60 minute = Berkelium-247. 


Neutron Size of Californium-251: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.119521912 is a size of one Neutron of Californium-251. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 251-Californium = 12.764940239043824701195219123506 / 0.119521912 = 106.80000031328000091895466936227 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.119521912 is a size of Neutron of Californium-251. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.119521912 / 60 minute = Californium-251. 


Neutron Size of Einsteinium-252: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.119047619 is a size of one Neutron of Einsteinium-252. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 252-Einsteinium = 12.714285714285714285714285714286 / 0.119047619 = 106.80000004272000001708800000684 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.119047619 is a size of Neutron of Einsteinium-252. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.119047619 / 60 minute = Einsteinium-252. 


Neutron Size of Fermium-257: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.116731517 is a size of one Neutron of Fermium-257. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 257 Fermium = 12.466926070038910505836575875486 / 0.116731517 = 106.80000046636000203643867555912 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.116731517 is a size of Neutron of Fermium-257. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.116731517 / 60 minute = Fermium-257. 


Neutron Size of Mendelevium-258: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.116279069 is a size of one Neutron of Mendelevium-258. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 258-Mendelevium = 12.418604651162790697674418604651 / 0.116279069 = 106.80000070488000465220803070457 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.116279069 is a size of Neutron of Mendelevium-258. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.116279069 / 60 minute = Mendelevium-258. 


Neutron Size of Nobelium-259: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.115830115 is a size of one Neutron of Nobelium-259. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 259-Nobelium = 12.370656370656370656370656370656 / 0.115830115 = 106.80000076540000548536670597846 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.115830115 is a size of Neutron of Nobelium-259. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.115830115 / 60 minute = Nobelium-259. 


Neutron Size of Lawrencium-262: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.114503816 is a size of one Neutron of Lawrencium-262. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 262-Lawrencium = 12.229007633587786259541984732824 / 0.114503816 = 106.80000074048000513399470226236 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.114503816 is a size of Neutron of Lawrencium-262. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.114503816 / 60 minute = Lawrencium-262. 


Neutron Size of Rutherfordium-261: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.114942528 is a size of one Neutron of Rutherfordium-261. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 261-Rutherford = 12.275862068965517241379310344828 / 0.114942528 = 106.80000068352000437452802799698 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.114942528 is a size of Neutron of Rutherfordium-261. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.114942528 / 60 minute = Rutherfordium-261. 


Neutron Size of Seaborgium-263: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.114068441 is a size of one Neutron of Seaborgium-263. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 263-Seaborgium = 12.182509505703422053231939163498 / 0.114068441 = 106.8000000605200000342946666861- 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.114068441 is a size of Neutron of Seaborgium-263. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.114068441 / 60 minute = Seaborgium-263. 


Neutron Size of Bohrium-262: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.114503816 is a size of one Neutron of Bohrium-262. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 262-Bohrium = 12.229007633587786259541984732824 / 0.114503816 = 106.80000074048000513399470226236 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.114503816 is a size of Neutron of Bohrium-262. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.114503816 / 60 minute = Bohrium-262. 


Neutron Size of Hassium-265: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.113207547 is a size of one Neutron of Hassium-265. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 265-Hassium = 12.090566037735849056603773584906 / 0.113207547 = 106.80000016020000024030000036045 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.113207547 is a size of Neutron of Hassium-265. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.113207547 / 60 minute = Hassium-265. 


Neutron Size of Meitnerium-266: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.112781954 is a size of one Neutron of Meitnerium-266. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 266-Meitnerium = 12.045112781954887218045112781955 / 0.112781954 = 106.8000008401600066092587186595 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.112781954 is a size of Neutron of Meitnerium-266. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton because 1800 / 0.112781954 / 60 minute = Meitnerium-266. 



sikander aqeel(70)

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