Sikander aqeel


Jun 8th 2013, 12:39 pm
Posted by aqeelsika1

Neutron Size of Antimony-121: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.247933884 is a size of one Neutron of Antimony-121. Because hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 121 Antimony = 26.479338842975206611570247933884 / 0.247933884 = 106.80000012816000015379200018455 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.247933884 is a size of Neutron of Antimony-121. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.247933884 / 60 minute = Antimony-121. 



Neutron Size of Antimony-123: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.243902439 is a size of one Neutron of Antimony-123. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 123 Antimony = 26.048780487804878048780487804878 / 0.243902439 = 106.80000001068000000106800000011 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.243902439 is a size of Neutron of Antimony-123. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.243902439 / 60 minute = Antimony-123. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-128: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.234375 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-128. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 128 Tellurium = 25.03125 / 0.234375 = 106.8 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.234375 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-128. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.234375 / 60 minute = Tellurium-128. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-120: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.25 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-120. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 120 Tellurium = 26.7 / 0.25 = 106.8 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.25 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-120. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.25 / 60 minute = Tellurium-120. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-122: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.245901639 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-122. because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 122 Tellurium = 26.262295081967213114754098360656 / 0.245901639 = 106.80000014952000020932800029306 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.245901639 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-122. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton. because 1800 / 0.245901639 / 60 minute = Tellurium-122. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-123: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.243902439 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-123. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 123 Tellurium = 26.048780487804878048780487804878 / 0.243902439 = 106.80000001068000000106800000011 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.243902439 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-123. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.243902439 / 60 minute = Tellurium-123. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-124: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.241935483 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-124. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 124 Tellurium = 25.838709677419354838709677419355 / 0.241935483 = 106.80000038448000138412800498286 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.241935483 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-124. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.241935483 / 60 minute = Tellurium-124. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-125: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.24 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-125. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 125 Tellurium = 25.632 / 0.24 = 106.8 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.24 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-125. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.24 / 60 minute = Tellurium-125. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-126: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.238095238 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-126. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 126 Tellurium = 25.428571428571428571428571428571 / 0.238095238 = 106.80000004272000001708800000684 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.238095238 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-126. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.238095238 / 60 minute = Tellurium-126. 



Neutron Size of Tellurium-130: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.23076923 is a size of one Neutron of Tellurium-130. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 130 Tellurium = 24.646153846153846153846153846154 / 0.23076923 = 106.80000035600000118666667062222 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.23076923 is a size of Neutron of Tellurium-130. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.23076923 / 60 minute = Tellurium-130. 



Neutron Size of Iodine-127: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.236220472 is a size of one Neutron of Iodine-127. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 127 Iodine = 25.228346456692913385826771653543 / 0.236220472 = 106.80000019936000037213866736133 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.236220472 is a size of Neutron of Iodine-127. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.236220472 / 60 minute = Iodine-127. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-131: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.229007633 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-131. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 131 Xenon = 24.458015267175572519083969465649 / 0.229007633 = 106.80000027412000070357466847251 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.229007633 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-131. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.229007633 / 60 minute = Xenon-131. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-124: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.241935483 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-124. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 124 Xenon = 25.838709677419354838709677419355 / 0.241935483 = 106.80000038448000138412800498286 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.241935483 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-124. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.241935483 / 60 minute = Xenon-124. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-126: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.238095238 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-126. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 126 Xenon = 25.428571428571428571428571428571 / 0.238095238 = 106.80000004272000001708800000684 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.238095238 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-126. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.238095238 / 60 minute = Xenon-126. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-128: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.234375 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-128. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 128 Xenon = 25.03125 / 0.234375 = 106.8 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.234375 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-128. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.234375 / 60 minute = Xenon-128. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-129: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.232558139 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-129. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 129 Xenon = 24.837209302325581395348837209302 / 0.232558139 = 106.80000024564000056497200129944 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.232558139 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-129. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.232558139 / 60 minute = Xenon-129. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-130: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.23076923 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-130. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 130 Xenon = 24.646153846153846153846153846154 / 0.23076923 = 106.80000035600000118666667062222 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.23076923 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-130. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.23076923 / 60 minute = Xenon-130. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-132: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.227272727 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-132. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 132 Xenon = 24.272727272727272727272727272727 / 0.227272727 = 106.80000012816000015379200018455 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.227272727 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-132. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.227272727 / 60 minute = Xenon-132. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-134: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.223880597 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-134. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 134 Xenon = 23.910447761194029850746268656716 / 0.223880597 = 106.8000000071200000004746666667 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.223880597 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-134. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.223880597 / 60 minute = Xenon-134. 



Neutron Size of Xenon-136: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.220588235 is a size of one Neutron of Xenon-136. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 136 Xenon = 23.558823529411764705882352941176 / 0.220588235 = 106.80000014240000018986666691982 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.220588235 is a size of Neutron of Xenon-136. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.220588235 / 60 minute = Xenon-136. 



Neutron Size of Cesium-133: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.225563909 is a size of one Neutron of Cesium-133. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 133 Cesium = 24.09022556390977443609022556391 / 0.225563909 = 106.80000036668000125893467098901 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.225563909 is a size of Neutron of Cesium-133. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.225563909 / 60 minute = Cesium-133. 



Neutron Size of Barium-138: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.217391304 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-138. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 138 Barium = 23.21739130434782608695652173913 / 0.217391304 = 106.80000017088000027340800043745 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.217391304 is a size of Neutron of Barium-138. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.217391304 / 60 minute = Barium-138. 



Neutron Size of Barium-130: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.23076923 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-130. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 130 Barium = 24.646153846153846153846153846154 / 0.23076923 = 106.80000035600000118666667062222 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.23076923 is a size of Neutron of Barium-130. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.23076923 / 60 minute = Barium-130. 



Neutron Size of Barium-132: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.227272727 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-132. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 132 Barium = 24.272727272727272727272727272727 / 0.227272727 = 106.80000012816000015379200018455 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.227272727 is a size of Neutron of Barium-132. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.227272727 / 60 minute = Barium-132. 



Neutron Size of Barium-134: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.223880597 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-134. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 134 Barium = 23.910447761194029850746268656716 / 0.223880597 = 106.8000000071200000004746666667 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.223880597 is a size of Neutron of Barium-134. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.223880597 / 60 minute = Barium-134. 



Neutron Size of Barium-135: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.222222222 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-135. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 135 Barium = 23.733333333333333333333333333333 / 0.222222222 = 106.8000001068000001068000001068 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.222222222 is a size of Neutron of Barium-135. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.222222222 / 60 minute = Barium-135. 



Neutron Size of Barium-136: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.220588235 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-136. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 136 Barium = 23.558823529411764705882352941176 / 0.220588235 = 106.80000014240000018986666691982 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.220588235 is a size of Neutron of Barium-136. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.220588235 / 60 minute = Barium-136. 



Neutron Size of Barium-137: 

Hydrogen size is 1.25, and 0.218978102 is a size of one Neutron of Barium-137. Because Hafnium mass unit is 178 x 18 angle = 3204 / 137 Barium = 23.386861313868613138686131386861 / 0.218978102 = 106.80000009256000008021866673619 - 0.8 Cross-Tron = 106 Neutron of Hafnium. So 0.218978102 is a size of Neutron of Barium-137. Electron size 1800 percent small from one Neutron and not from one Proton, because 1800 / 0.218978102 / 60 minute = Barium-137. 


Size is a balance of length of life in body-system. If the size is small of particle in body, then life will be short. Such as, cells size is very small of cat. And cat life length is fifteen year. But cells of lion are very large than the cat. And lion life length is seventy year. And size makes faster of system. Or cat can run fast than the lion, and a lion can run fast than the crocodile, because crocodile life’s length is four hundred year, so body-structure is nearly same of lion and cat. Only difference is in size of cells of body. Which makes fast and low of body-system, so different size makes different product of life. If be enlarged .5 percent size of cells of human. Then life can be increased of human like two hundred fifty years. Because human brain keeps ability to improvement of body, but human more lazy, although human already very lazy,                  


sikander aqeel(70)

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