15711.879168 year is age of Neutron of Iodine-127. Ninety-nine percent people are not understood of even any Atomic-Theory in the world. And while the particle is a base of the universe, But as I shall complete my all atomic theories, that system would be easier of universe for you. Actually I could also not understand the atomic theory in the school life. Because you teach without proof, Such as` why 92 proton are into the uranium, Perhaps you are also not knows, so I do not do some without any proof. And I am a very perverse person by nature. And I left the school in 1975 to understand of atomic theory. And I was spent long time about understand of atomic theory. I started again a new mission in 1980, of which name was the Human life. Although I have all details to long time life, but I have not people to do the test, can anybody my help. That they address is an easy. You know about which address. Such as` the photon of Proton or photon of Neutron and Cross-pton with Cross-tron are an address to the understand of the atomic theory, and an atomic theory becomes more easy through the all addresses. Our time atomic theory is going to the end. And we have solved many basic points about atom. But yet not finished our time atomic theory, because even any atomic theory occurs not finish, perhaps reason of size of the universe. And this time atomic theory is a part of only time. or this theory attached with time. And we can know only the age of atom through its. And we cannot solve the energy and temperature through its.
644.352 million year ago.
The earth had been cold completely. But not like a today. That was too much solid those days. Such as` ball of metals, and again the earth started adapt itself into the different types sands. And our earth today is containing on 65 types sands.
644.352 Million year ago.
So the life story was begun of Earth 644.352 million year ago. And today is two-thousand-Thirteen. And If we catch the fingers of metals, May be we shall understood of 644.352 million year. Because the history is very ancient of metals,
And 644.352 is also a KsK-Code of time.
Because the time have two reaction, Such as` {1-year} and {365 days}, And these both are same. Or {1-minute} and {60-seconds} are same.
Law of time,
The 6 is a radius of whole system. And 24 hours are base of one day. And 10 cm is a distance between earth and the sun, If you see from the central of Milky-way. And .008 is an ancient value of one photon. 4 photon of one Neutron, And 4.8 occurs energy of one neutron and Oxygen weight is 0.32 Milligrams, who we shall use as year would be change. Or next year,
So 643.84 was code of 2012, and January 2013 code is 644.192. And I am telling you about Calendar of Oxygen. Because our presence is from Oxygen, or we were not present before the Oxygen on the earth, So Oxygen weight is 0.32 Milligrams. Because 0.32 x 50 ratio = 16 mass unit of Oxygen. And from this reason 0.32 weight of Oxygen is equal to one year of Earth. And other 0.032 weight is a ratio of 500 percent of Oxygen is equal to one month. Such as Oxygen-16 / 500 = 0.032, so last year code was 643.84 + 0.32 + 0.032 + 0.032 + 0.032 + 0.032 + 0.032 + 0.032 = 644.352 code of June-2013. And here 0.32 is a Code of year, and 0.032 is code of per month.
Second Law of Calendar of Oxygen:
Oxygen 0.32 weight is a value of one year. And 0.032 is value of one month of year. Therefore 2013 x 0.32 = 644.16 + 0.032 Jan + 0.032 Feb + 0.032 March + 0.032 April + 0.032 May + 0.032 June = 644.352 is a code of June or two thousand Thirteen. So what was Oxygen code of March 1960, that 1960 x 0.32 = 627.2 + 0.032 Jan + 0.032 Feb + 0.032 March = 627.296 Code. Because 627.296 x 10 = 6272.96 master code x 6 = 37637.76 / 4 photon of Neutron = 9409.44 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 1960.3, here 1960 was year of past century. And 3 was third month of year.
Iodine and 15711.879168 year:
Before the 644.352 year ago, the system was begun of Neutron of Iodine, and then Neutron took 15711.879168 year for complete itself.
Calculation of Neutron,
15711.879168 year x 6 = 94271.275008 / 24 hours = 3927.969792 / 0.008 one photon = 490996.224 / 644.352 Ksk-code = 762 / 10 y = 76.2 – 2.2 Cross-Tron = 74 Neutron of Iodine, so the 15711.879168 year are a long distance of time. And I made orbit of distance through the 6, and after Divide with 644.352, we found the Neutron number of Iodine.
15711.879168 are years of birth the Neutron of Iodine then for conform, 15711.879168 year x 6 = 94271.275008 / 24 hours = 3927.969792 / 0.008 one photon = 490996.224 / 76.2 Cross-Neutron = 6443.52 x 6 = 38661.12 / 4 photon of Neutron = 9665.28 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 2013.6, here 2013 is a year of this century. And 6 is sixth month of this year. So it was only a proof, that Neutron took 15711.879168 years, for complete it. As I shall complete my time atomic theories till the Hydrogen. That you would be understood about age of Creatures on the earth, so the Neutron age is 15711.879168 year of Iodine. And why Neutron are 76.2 into the Iodine, that from reason of 15711.879168 year, to do complete itself.
The universe is a sample of Mathematics. And this Math has three shapes. 1, Math of Present, 2, Math of past, 2, Math of future,
Math of Present,
It math will always show you present after complete. Such as! You started from 420, and then it would be finish at the 420. Or, E = m + m x C1, then m420 + m420 = 840 x 300000000 = 2.52000000000 x .008 = 2016000000 / 1000000 light measure = 2016 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 420, and this answer belongs with present, because it was finish at 420.
Math of future,
Here! We shall start the question from past. And we shall gone be future. Such as! It is a past of Neutron of Uranium 29420 years ago. Then for conform, 29420 year x 6 = 176520 / 24 hours = 7355 / .008 one photon = 919375 / 142.8 Neutron = 6438.20028 x 6 = 38629.20168 / 4 photon of Neutron = 9657.30042 / 4.8 Neutron energy = 2011.937588 + 0.06241246 = 2012 is a future. Because we started from past,
Math of past
Here! 29.2 minute is a distance of earth, and it will be called the past, because it is moving very slow, or this act happened in past. And 365 days are present, because we are feeling continuous. So present 365 days / 18 angle = 20.27777778 x 24 hours x 60 minute = 29200 / 1000 one km = 29.2 minute distance of past of earth. So we started from present, and end did in past,