David Clerest

What you should know about Pureleverage, and GVO

May 31st 2013, 12:56 am
Posted by davidclerest
Perhaps you are thinking about joining GVO and Pureleverage, which are owned by Joel Therien. But I guess it's true when they say you get what you pay for! Since the launch of his new product line, Pureleverage, and the great success he has had with it, everything seems to be going wrong with this company. He will be the first to admit the systems were not ready to handle the massive traffic of internet marketers who suddenly rushed into the program. GVO and Pureleverage are currently two of the worst performing services on the internet. The blogger is not ready (it was supposed to be up and running last week), and there are some serious problems with the auto responder and his business practices in general. I was just trying to upload my list of subscribers into the GVO auto responder system, when I found out to my surprise, that everything had changed in that department, and that now I would have to submit the list to their personnel, and wait as much as 6 weeks for their approval, because they do this on a first come, first served basis. If the list doesn't meet certain criteria, they will delete it, and as Joel said in his video log today, he will not let you upload another list ever! Now I understand that some people have a bad list and that it needs to be checked by a system that will check the list based on certain algorithms to determine that it's not spam mail, but I think handing your list to individuals who may actually take your list and run with it is another. And the whole, you will be banned from ever uploading a list is rather radical! I contacted his supposedly 24/7 customer service, and it said ALL departments are offline, so I opened a ticket (this was two days ago), and I still haven't got a reply!When I tried to contect their 24/7 customer service, it said all departments are offline! So I submitted a ticket and didn't hear back from them for 4 days! Now the day before all this happened Joel sent me an email saying "I just invited your subscribers to the Webinar!" What? I couldn't believe that anyone could access my subscriber's list! I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want anyone contacting my subscribers on my behalf, or otherwise without my permission. just who gave you the right? is this even legal? what makes him think that my subscribers are interested in his webinar?! What if I wanted to invite them to a webinar of my own? this is just not cool. So I have decided. I don't know if my website will be down for a while or not, but I will not be hosting it with GVO, and Pureleverage. I hereby withdraw my endorsement of all the products controlled by Joel Therien, and will not put up with this type of abuse. . I would rather use Hostgator, GetResponse and thousands of other companies who truly practice fairness in their business. If you don't see a blog from me for a while, it's because I am migrating to a new server.I will be migrating to a new server over the next few days. It would be insanity to do business with people you can't trust. Final advice, if you're doing business online, it's because you are an entrepreneur, you want to be in control of your business , work the hours you want, and be in control of the amount of money you make. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. To use Hostgator and make money with them as an affiliate click here. You can get trusted Auto-responder, with Get Response by clicking here.

. To succeed as an internet marketer see my website
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