Mike Beaumont

Giving Thanks On Memorial Day

May 26th 2013, 5:19 pm
Posted by mtbeau1955

Do You Give Thanks On Memorial Day

Once again, Memorial Day rolls around, and once again, we are reminded of the sacrifice that so many Americans have given for this country. But my question is, “Why do we only observe this once a year?” Like so many other ‘special days’ that come along, we should be more caring and giving every day of the week. I know that Memorial Day is to give thanks and prayer to those that have died in service, but there are so many that have sacrificed in many ways.

Veterans Are Why We Have Memorial Day

We have many, many wounded soldiers that come back and struggle daily just to get through a normal day. Yet we look at them like some sort of oddity. And there are those out there that would take away any kind of support they need to make it through their life, such as medical care, financial support, and therapy. We still have people that protest war and treat the returning veterans like they were so much garbage. But for those that Memorial Day is for died so they can have the right to act like that. We have freedoms in this country that would never be tolerated anywhere else in the world, because these brave people died to protect those rights.

Making The Most Of Memorial Day

It is because of Memorial Day that Mission BBQ has built it’s theme around, and to help foster the belief that there is still something great in this country. They have a patriotic atmosphere with generous amounts of superb food. From pulled pork, ribs, chicken, turkey, and sausage, the menu carries many traditional favorites. Mission BBQ also features coleslaw, mac and cheese, sandwiches, and even a kid’s menu. They also cater events and have a carry out menu. To add to the atmosphere they display pictures, service badges and patches, and many other items from all service areas, not just the military. On this Memorial Day the Mission BBQ mad a grand gesture of donating $20,000.00 to help the wounded veterans. Though they don’t do that every week, one thing they do every single day at 12 noon is to honor this country they fight for by playing the “Star-Spangled Banner.” At noon sharp, the servers and patrons all stop what they are doing and play “The Star-spangled Banner” for all to observe. Watch the video to see what I’m talking about.    

"It's so interesting for us to see first-timers," owner Bill Kraus said. "They're a little bit caught off guard but it doesn't take them long to stand. Others, you'll see them actually looking at their watch anticipating it, excited when they hear the announcement. And they're proud to stand."

When was the last time, outside of a sporting event, that you put your hand over your heart and listened to the National Anthem?

Memorial Day
PS... Have you hugged a veteran today??
PPS... Use this to fight your battles on this Memorial Day

memorial day(1), empower network(17), veteran(1), national anthem(1), star spangled banner(1), patriotism(1)

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